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This came home to Vernon as the envelope dropped on the others in the box at the Cafe du Dome came home to him rather forlornly. Next morning he called with more roses for Lady St. Craye, pinky ones this time. "Milady was toujours tres souffrante. It would be ten days, at the least, before Milady could receive, even a very old friend, like Monsieur." The Reverend Cecil read it four times.

It looked perfectly uncomfortable was large, with very high ceilings, stiff gilt furniture standing against the wall, and the heat something awful, a blazing fire in the chimney. Madame Grevy was sitting in an armchair, near the fire, a grey shawl on her shoulders and a lace fichu on her head. It was curiously unlike the bedroom I had just left. I had been to see a friend, who was also souffrante.

They were foster-brothers. Where he is now, who knows?" She paused, looked again at her ghosts, and continued: "That is all, Monsieur Trevor. The Germans passed through here and repassed on their retreat, and, as soon as it was safe, I came to help my aunt, who was souffrante, and had lost her son.

She had counted upon an even dozen seating themselves at her round mahogany board, forgetting for the moment that Madame Ratignolle was to the last degree souffrante and unpresentable, and not foreseeing that Madame Lebrun would send a thousand regrets at the last moment. So there were only ten, after all, which made a cozy, comfortable number. There were Mr. and Mrs.

From a cupboard in the wall she produced a pillow, from another cupboard a blanket; in a trice she had one under Mrs. Ashe's head and the other wrapped round her feet. "Pauvre madame," she said, "si pale! si souffrante! Il faut avoir quelque chose a boire et a manger tout de suite." She trotted across the room and into the restaurant which opened out of it, while Mrs.

It did not surprise her that Lady Clifford should fail to appear at déjeuner, but she was unprepared for the new development announced by Aline, the maid, who came into the dining-room at the close of the meal and somewhat portentously informed the doctor that her ladyship was "trés souffrante" and wished to see him at once. "Souffrante, Aline?" repeated Miss Clifford. "Is it a headache?"

Craye, learned that she was "toujours tres souffrante," he went home, pulled a table into the middle of his large, bare, hot studio, and sat down to write to the Reverend Cecil Underwood. "I mean to do it," he told himself, "and it can't hurt her my doing it now instead of a month ahead, when she's well again.

I had written to Madame Grevy to ask if she would receive me before I left for Italy. When I arrived, the one footman at the door told me Madame Grevy was un peu souffrante, would see me up-stairs. I went up a side staircase, rather dark, preceded by the footman, who ushered me into Madame Grevy's bedroom.

Monsieur Ratignolle was the first to break the pleasant charm. At ten o'clock he excused himself. Madame Ratignolle was waiting for him at home. She was bien souffrante, and she was filled with vague dread, which only her husband's presence could allay. Mademoiselle Reisz arose with Monsieur Ratignolle, who offered to escort her to the car.

The woman looked her over again with a softened glance, touched, perhaps, by the tremor that shook her visitor's voice. "Mademoiselle est souffrante?" "Non, madame, pas trop, ce n'est pas ça mais il y a quelqu'un qui est en danger quelqu'un qu'il faut prévenir. Si je peux trouver un taxi " "Gaston! Vite! Cherche un taxi pour mademoiselle. Va!"