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It was no easy matter to ascertain the good lady's condition, muffled up and veiled as she was. It was only as an enormous concession to necessity that Sor Tommaso was allowed to feel her pulse, and it needed all Maria Addolorata's eloquent persuasion and sensible argument to induce her to lift her veil a little, and open her mouth.

His large experience of young ladies warns him that they will tell each other what he thinks of them, when they retire for the night; and he is careful on these occasions to say something that will bear repetition. "I see in Miss de Sor," he declares, "the resolution of a man, tempered by the sweetness of a woman.

"Well, sor, Oi hadn't been there more'n three 'r four minits, whin th' door opened, an' oot steps a little ould lady, aboot th' littlest an' ouldest Oi iver see in 'Frisco. "'Good avenin', Mother Machree, says Oi, touchin' me hat. "'Mother Machree! says she, an' gives me a sharp look. Also she sniffs. 'Ye poor man, says she. 'Ye'll catch yer death o' cold, out here.

Sarrion walked to the Calle de la Dormitaleria, a little street running parallel with the city walls, eastward from the Cathedral gates. There he learnt that Sor Teresa was out. The lay-sister feared that he could not see Juanita de Mogente. She was in class: it was against the rules. Sarrion insisted. The lay-sister went to make inquiries. It was not in her province. But she knew the rules.

'Faith, that I know I shall, sor, sez I, wid the money safe in me pockut; an' I winked him back, conjanial. 'I've a smart family about me, sez he, 'an' I treat 'em all fair an' liberal. An', saints, I thought it likely his family 'ud have all they wanted, seein' he was so free-handed wid a stranger.

"That's him now," said an ink-smeared lad, and nodded toward a tall, gangling, mustachioed fellow in a black felt hat who had just come up the stairs. Queed marched straight for the little cubbyhole where the proof-readers and copy-holders sweated through their long nights. "You are Mr. Pat, head proof-reader of the Post?" "That's me, sor," said Mr.

"I have such cordials, too." "I do not doubt it," answered the girl, suspiciously. "But I would rather not taste them. I feel quite well." It crossed her mind that in return for three knife-thrusts, Sor Tommaso would probably not miss so good a chance of paying her with a glass of poison. She would certainly have done as much herself, had she been in his place.

Sor trouble," she added, changing the word, "does not always affect the health." "And does she mean to stay there?" the rector said, feeling it necessary to follow up his first question. Mrs. Warrender hesitated, and began to reply that she did not know, that she believed nothing was settled, that when Theodore suddenly turned and replied: "Why shouldn't she stay?

There are no trees here to harbour birds or to rustle in the wind. The man, nursing his horses for the long journey, drove at an easy pace. Juanita, usually voluble enough, seemed to have nothing to say to Sor Teresa. The driver could possibly overhear the conversation of his passengers. For this, or for another reason, Sor Teresa was silent.

But Gianbattista would not let him. "For heaven's sake," cried the priest in great distress, "no violence, Tista I will call the men " "Never fear," answered the apprentice quietly; "the man is a coward." "To me you dare to say that to me!" exclaimed Marzio, drawing back at the same time. "Yes it is quite true. But do not suppose that I think any the worse of you on that account, Sor Marzio."