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Also, he touched upon her father's colossal fortune, and the genuine Tulliwuddle's necessities. The Baron listened with growing interest. "Vell," he said, "I soppose I most make a goot impression for ze sake of Tollyvoddle. For instance, ven we drive up " "Drive? my dear Baron, we shall march! Leave it to me; I have a very pretty design shaping in my head."

Fair, viz blue eyes, short pairhaps but not too short, slender as a—a—drom-stick, and I vould say a maid; at least I see vun stout old lady mit her, mozzer and daughter I soppose.” “And did this piece of perfection seem to appreciate you?” “Vy should I know? Zey are ze real ladies and pairtend not to see me, bot I zink zey notice me all ze same. Not ‘lady vriends,’ Bonker, ha, ha, ha!”

Soppose I kalkilated that it warn't the sort o' thing to induce folks to settle here. Soppose I reckoned that by gettin' the real title in my hands I'd have the deadwood on both o' them, and settle the thing my own way, eh?" "That certainly was a very laudable intention," returned Mr.

"Oh, Himmel!" he exclaimed. "Vy did I not realize before? If nozing comes and nozing vill come ve most stay till one, I soppose." Mr. Gallosh emitted something like a groan. "Oh my, and that candle will not last more than half an hour at the most!" "Teufel!" said the Baron. "It vas Bonker did give him to me. He might have made a more proper calculation." The prospect was now gloomy indeed.

Come do you mind telling me why you bought the land at all? You know it's of little value to any but McKinstry and Harrison." "Soppose," said Uncle Ben slowly, with a great affectation of wiping his ink-spotted desk with his sleeve, "soppose that I had got kinder tired of seein' McKinstry and Harrison allus fightin' and scrimmagin' over their boundary line.

With an embarrassment equal to their host's, his lordship bowed and gave his hand. "I am ze Tollyvoddle vary pleased Mistair Gosh, I soppose?" "Gallosh, my lord. Very honored to welcome you." In the round eyes of Mr. Gallosh, Count Bunker perceived an unmistakable stare of astonishment at the sound of his lordship's accented voice.

"Shall I remain through the entire interview?" asked the Count. "Oh yes, mine Bonker, you most! Or vell, soppose it gets unnecessary zen vill I cry 'By ze Gad! and you vill know to go." "'By the Gad'? I see." "Or vell, not ze first time, but if I say it tree times, zen vill you make an excuse." "Three times? I understand, Baron."

"Listen, Bonker, and try to onderstand not jost to make jokes. It appears to me zat Miss Gallosh vill make a good vife to Tollyvoddle. She is so fair, so amiable, and so rich. Could he do better? Should I not lay ze foundations of a happy marriage mit her? Soppose ve do get her instead of Miss Maddison, eh?"