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A strange day it had been to him; but he was too primitive to attempt any reasoning about its events. When he left Nanna's he was under that strong excitement which makes a man walk as if he were treading upon the void, and there was a hot confusion in his thoughts and feelings. He stepped rapidly, and the stillness of the lovely night did not soothe or reason with him.

For Roger now made her a handsome allowance and the chastened habits of a most uncomfortable year had been hastily abandoned. Nevertheless, Lady Barnes's aspect on this autumn afternoon was not cheerful, and her companion was endeavouring, with a little kind embarrassment, both to soothe an evident irritation and to avoid the confidences that Roger's mother seemed eager to pour out.

"I said to Earth, so cold and gray, 'An emblem of myself thou art: 'Not so, the earth did seem to say, 'For Spring shall warm my frozen heart. "'I soothe my wintry sleep with dreams Of warmer sun and softer rain, And wait to hear the sound of streams And songs of merry birds again.

Being a sportswoman, she made the best of things, and did her utmost to soothe her mount's somewhat fiery temper. "You shall have a clean jump at the end, Hector, old boy," she promised him. "We shall soon be out of it."

My emotions at this moment are much too complex for my understanding." "Then let me give you some tea. It will put all your notions and your emotions in order." The tea certainly did soothe him. He had never known that the beverage could be so delicious. "How did you find out about Ingram and Cleo?" he asked suddenly. "Oh, that was very easy.

Go, when the hunter's hand hath wrung From forest cave her shrieking young, And calm the raging lioness; But soothe not mock not my distress. Lyon Berners was utterly perplexed and troubled. He could not in any way explain to himself the sudden and furious passion of his wife. Suddenly it occurred to him that it was in some way connected with the cards she had thrown into the fire.

He spent most of his time on the sofa in his mother's sitting-room, and she would sit for hours talking to him and trying to soothe his pain. The sympathy between the two seemed strengthened, and it was strange to see how, when together, their manner changed.

He took her other hand and stroked it, as one might stroke a child's hand to comfort and encourage it. "You must tell me, beloved," he said. Philippa looked at him with scared eyes; then, suddenly pulling her hands from his and turning away, she covered her face and burst into uncontrollable sobbing. He, confounded and frightened, followed her and tried to soothe her.

And he added some flattering expressions of attachment, such as he thought calculated to soothe a mind so proud, yet so crushed. And presently she calmed herself, and came up to him, putting her hand on his arm; and he resumed: "Believe me, madame, I have no object in deceiving you; I abhor anarchy and crime as much as you do.

To soothe him, Jerry bought some of the dry herring things and carried them home in a pasteboard box that said "1/2 doz. galvanized line cleats. Extra quality" on the lid. Lena cooked the herrings for supper, but I don't think she could have done it right, because they were quite horrid.