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They found him strangely clothed in soft brown, surrounded by youngsters; and asked for all he knew about Dhoop Kichari-lal and Koob Soonder. That is the name of a colour which the woman from far wears; she whom Jiwan Kawi loved and would have wed.

And Koob Soonder small sister of Jiwan Kawi our strong young man who went away; she whose mother was taken by Fear when she was a babe, she who was stricken by the blight when she began to run she who was named for her perfect beauty, before the Grass Jungle had seen beauty more perfect " "Do you know all the story?" Cadman interrupted, with dry lips. "All," said the man.

Now it is that the child, who has no wit and little reason, goes out into the place of sacrifice to find Fear; and the woman in a widow's garment goes after, to fetch her back. Then the woman who mourns for unborn children, goes out into the night-paths as Jiwan Kawi went and the little Koob Soonder follows, to fetch her back.

"I don't know," he said dubiously, "if I'm not mistaken, I've heard some sinful language at night." As they got further in, two names attracted their attention spoken together like one word Dhoop Kichari-lal and Koob Soonder. Of course Koob Soonder Utterly Beautiful they first thought could mean none other than the Bombay nautch-girl whom they sought yet later they were to learn the truth.

"Then she put on her body the one garment of hindu-widowhood, unadorned; but without marriage. She said, 'I will mourn for the children that have not been that are not that cannot be. The women heard the voice of her mourning; and they forgot her too-great beauty, to serve her too-great pain when it was late. "They gave her the little Koob Soonder, to mother.