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Kukor vowed that she dass-ent to deny how everytink about it wass both stylish und grand! Next, he had to hear what had transpired after his departure; how every one had taken his going, especially Big Tom now gone out to escort One-Eye to the taxi. "I tells to him, 'Sure does Chonnie go for sometink'," declared Mrs. Kukor. But Barber had known better, and contradicted her violently.

Some one was in the hall Mrs. Kukor, for the steps rocked. "Chonnie?" she called now. "Chonnie! Talk sometink!" It was Big Tom who talked. "Oh, you go home, y' busybody!" he answered. "Mrs. Kukor! Mrs. Kukor! He's burning everything of Johnnie's!" shouted Cis. "Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!" burst out Barber, as if this had delighted him.

I can't to say, except yust live alonk, und see if sometink nice happens maype." Johnnie moved, with a long, dry sob, and very tenderly she leaned down to turn his face toward her. "Ach, poor Chonnie!" she cried. "Come! We will wash him, und makes him all fresh und clean. Und next how do you t'ink? Mrs. Kukor hass for you a big surprises!"

Altogether the restoration to the flat of peace and happiness was made so evident that, to right, left, and below, windows now began to go down with a bang, as, the Barber row over, the neighbors went back to their own affairs. "It wass not noodle soup," declared Mrs. Kukor. "It wass sometink a t'ousand times so goot. But not for eatink. No. Much better as. Und!