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Not only is its analysis of present conditions the most acute and the most sound that we have to-day, but the solutions it propounds to the problems it analyses are the most fearless, the most thorough and the most idealistic. The New Witness is equally thorough but more immediate. The scope of its analysis is not so wide.

He worked with ardour at his mathematical studies, and he even sent to the Academy of Sciences solutions of several problems hitherto unsolved, which were found to be as elegant as they were accurate. Absorbed in his work, he rarely found time to write to me.

"Sir," he said, "I think I am expressing the general consensus of opinion among my ahem fellow-students, when I say that this class sincerely regrets the unfortunate state the solutions have managed to get themselves into." "Hear, hear!" from a back bench. "It is with " "Sit down, Harringay." "It is with heartfelt " "Harringay, if you do not sit down " "As your ludship pleases." This sotto voce.

Test, verify or correct the following solutions: Ans. 18,932,139,737,991 followed by 360 figures; or 18,932,139,737,991 decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion; or 18,932,139,737,991 vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion.

The rapid stopping of railroad trains, when necessary, by means of brakes, is a problem which has long occupied the attention of many engineers; and the mechanical solutions offered have been correspondingly numerous.

But all that was in the past now, along with all the other victories. And in the present, as always, there were larger and larger problems, while full maturity lay forever a little farther on. Then he smiled slowly at himself. There were problems behind him, too ones whose solutions made these problems possible. And there would always be victory enough.

These solutions, such as the theories of de Vries and Mendel, are frankly no more than guesses based on certain observation in plant life and insect life and their originators by no means assert that they have found a law by which the universe can be accounted for. But if there is no universal law, there is only chance. Such is the condition of evolutionistic thought to-day.

This brings God in closer and more personal touch with his creation. The cosmic process is not a necessary and impersonal flow or radiation but a voluntary activity having a purpose. The solution is unsatisfactory, as all such solutions are bound to be, because it introduces as many difficulties as it solves. The nature of this divine Will is ambiguous.

The solutions are put together, and the petroleum ether distilled off in vacuo at a low temperature, until there remains in the flask a dark brown sirup, which on cooling solidifies into a crystalline mass. This is pulverized and turned on to a filter composed of a large funnel, in which a smaller funnel covered with muslin is inserted.

Sulphurous acid and zinc chloride also failed to destroy all the germs of infection. Chlorine, bromine, and mercuric chloride gave the best results; solutions of mercuric chloride, nitrate, or sulphate diluted to 1 part in 1,000 destroy spores in ten minutes. R. Koch. By N.B. WOOD, Member of the Civil Engineers' Club, of Cleveland.