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That harsh mandate enunciated by Goethe in Faust: "Entbären sollst du, sollst entbären," had been thrust on him with a force not to be gainsaid or evaded. With such a man but one issue to the conflict was possible: obedience to the higher law. In a conversation held with his friend Krumpholz, he expressed doubts as to the value of his work hitherto.

"Well," she replied, "I guess I have thought more than I appear." "Do you understand German? Do you know 'Faust'?" said Olive. "'Entsagen sollst du, sollst entsagen!" "I don't know German; I should like so to study it; I want to know everything." "We will work at it together we will study everything."

In an instant she was crouching amid the ferns on a carpet of autumn leaves, making space for him beside her. "Thank you I will stand," he said coldly. "But I don't know if you're aware these are oak-shrubs." "What of it?" "I was only thinking of the Swiss proverb about lightning, 'Vor den Eichen sollst du weichen. We ought to make for the beeches." "I'm not going to leave my umbrella.

Here, amid a wide desert of caste and proscription, amid the heart-hurting slights and jars and vagaries of a deep race-dislike, lies this green oasis, where hot anger cools, and the bitterness of disappointment is sweetened by the springs and breezes of Parnassus; and here men may lie and listen, and learn of a future fuller than the past, and hear the voice of Time: "Entbehren sollst du, sollst entbehren."

Kant, when you got to the bottom of him, was no more exciting than Mamma. "Du kannst, weil du sollst." Why not "You can because you shall"? It would never do to let Mamma know what Kant thought. She would say "Your Bible could have told you that." There was Schopenhauer, though. He didn't cheat you. There was "reine Anschauung," pure perception; it happened when you looked at beautiful things.

Courage and honour alike told her that she would be defeated and undone did she attempt to meet and follow him openly in the paths of religion. Entbehren sollst du sollst entbehren! So, long before this date, she had chosen her line of action. She took no part in the movement, and she rarely set foot in the village church, which was close to her gates.

Reduced to this difficulty, all that Kant could do was to express the union under the form of the subjective ideas of reason, or as postulates to be deduced from the practical reason, without their essential character being known, and representing their realization as nothing more than a simple you ought, or imperative "Du sollst."

Moritz, who noticed that not a day passed but what I went to the much-feared chief of the Conservatoire upon some pressing musical business, once despatched me with an improvised parody on Schiller's Burgschaft: Das sollst du in den Rezensionen bereuen.

Reduced to this difficulty, all that Kant could do was to express the union under the form of the subjective ideas of reason, or as postulates to be deduced from the practical reason, without their essential character being known, and representing their realization as nothing more than a simple you ought, or imperative "Du sollst."