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"On sautera!" People are jumping with a vengeance. The paint is disturbed upon your partner's face. Pretty lips speak ugly words. Honi soit qui mal y pense; but then the gentleman is between two and three wines, and the lady is rallying him because he has sense enough left to be a little modest. A couple sprawl in a waltz. A gentleman roars a toast. The hostess prays for less noise.

His words be these, 'Et de vray, c'est le plus fascheux et le plus incertain negocier de ceste court, que je pense soit au monde." And so "basting," as he said, "with a weak body and a willing mind; to do, he feared, no good work," he set forth from Middelburgh to rejoin Leicester at Arnheim, in order to obey, as well as he could, the Queen's latest directions.

"Who would travel without adventures?" and she made an expressive gesture. "Romantic?" "Hm! tant soit peu." "I am all attention: begin." "You promise not to tell?" "Not for the world: torture could not induce me to divulge a single word." "Well, the way it came about was this: Annie and I had been sent from England to a small French town on the coast, for the benefit of the warm sea-water baths.

"'Quand la rime enfin se trouve au bout des vers, Qu'importe que le reste y soit mis des travers." "Helas" said the Viscount D'A t, an author of no small celebrity himself; "I agree with you we shall never again see a Voltaire or a Rousseau." "There is but little justice in those complaints, often as they are made," replied Vincent.

'Ich dien' was the motto of a restaurateur; a hosier had gallantly labeled his stock in trade with 'Honi soit qui mal y pense'. Again they noted the English solidity of the civic edifices, and already they had observed in the foreign population a difference from that at home. They saw no German faces on the streets, and the Irish faces had not that truculence which they wear sometimes with us.

But even he admits that the hero's servant is not so far wrong when he cries, "Il semble que le bon sens se soit enfui de cette maison," and adds that the whole atmosphere of the piece is sickly with conscious virtue.

Si l'on choisit la voie de mer, on aura le choix de s'embarquer, soit

I take it from the back of one of those little French toys which contain pasteboard figures moved by a small running stream of fine sand; Benjamin Franklin will translate it for you: "Quoiqu'elle soit tres solidement montee, il faut ne pas BRUTALISER la machine." I will thank you for the pie, if you please.

But at last she gave way. "Honi soit qui mal y pense," she said; "that must be my protection." So she followed Miss Van Siever downstairs, leaving Mr Dalrymple in possession of her boudoir. "I shall give you just one hour," she said, "and then I shall come and turn you out."

I can pretty well guess what kind of farce has been acted, knowing the dramatis persons. I thought that Boothby had been with you. Mrs. I hear no more of Eden, but my neighbour Keene's conjectures on his refusal, which are very vague, et tant soit peu malignes. I expect more satisfaction to-day from Williams: not that I want really any information about him.