United States or Haiti ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Such a soil provides for the roots the firmness of which I have spoken, while the gravel insures perfect drainage, a matter of great importance in Rose-culture. Success cannot be expected in a soil unduly retentive of moisture. Very heavy soils can be lightened by the addition of coarse, sharp sand, old mortar, and cinders.

"Yes," said Percy, "but it is true that some of the States have adopted the practice of reporting analyses of soils and fertilizers on the basis of nitrogen instead of ammonia; and in the Corn Belt States, phosphorus and potassium are the terms used to a large extent instead of 'phosphoric acid, and potash.

Perhaps athletes or other hard working people in the tropics eating deficient food grown on leached-out depleted soils, people that sweat buckets day after day may need a little extra sodium. Perhaps. Not having practiced in the humid tropics myself, I have no definitive answer about this. Unfortunately, the average American is entirely addicted to salt and thinks food tastes lousy without it.

Exasperated, mad! My liege, forgive her. Attend not to her rage! Away, away, From this disastrous place! A bastard soils, Profanes the English throne! KENNEDY. What have you done? She has gone hence in wrath All hope is over now! Gone hence in wrath! She carries death within her heart! I know it.

"Worse than all this, or at least more lamentable, is the fact that it need not be. The soils of Virginia need not have become worn out and abandoned; because the earth and the air are filled with the elements of plant food that are essential to the restoration and permanent maintenance of the high productive capacity of these soils.

His dress was of threadbare velveteen a faded, rusty, whitened black, like the ashes of a pipe or a coal fire after a day's extinction; discoloured with the soils of many a stale debauch, and reeking yet with pot-house odours.

Assuming that the farmer is in a position to store some carbonate of lime in his land for future use, giving the soil an alkaline character for five or 10 years, the degree of fineness of the stone is important, partly because there will be distinct loss by leaching from many types of soils if all the material is fine as dust, and specially because less finely pulverized material can be supplied him at a lower price per ton.

Harte was a parson, but apparently he did not bring the same unction into his agriculture as did the Rev. Robert Herrick to the husbandry of his Devonshire glebe, a century earlier. In Herrick's Thanksgiving to God for his House he sings: "Lord, 'tis thy plenty dropping hand That soils my land And giv'st me for my bushel sown Twice ten for one.

'Tis sailed for pleasure; trade never soils the holds of such craft; men who sail such a vessel as that which now hovers near us are of the kind from which comes such as that!" Once more she indicated the "Laughing Cavalier," and now her form and face were filled with surging ambition strengthened with ardent hope. "How goes our sloop?" she asked abruptly.

So great is the demand for steam-cultivating apparatus, not only in Britain, but throughout the German plains and the flat alluvial soils of Egypt, that the makers have now more orders than they can readily supply. In all our manufactories steam proves itself the motive power, and there is hardly a large work without it.