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Terence asked, when the surgeon had finished. "There is just a chance, but it is a faint one. Has he been a sober man?" "Very; I can answer for the last four years, at any rate. All the Portuguese officers were abstemious men; and I think that Bull felt that it would not do for him, commanding a battalion, to be less sober than they were." "That increases his chance.

I'm a very friendly beggar, and Nevile, you know I say!" and he turned her a sober face "You know, I suppose? His wife eh? Dead, you know. Oh, but of course you did!" She met him unfalteringly. "Yes, he told me." Chevenix shrugged. "I must say, you know what? Oh, of course, it was a ghastly affair all along. But you know all that, as well as I do. Why, her temper! Oh, awful!

Laura looked up into her sister's grave, sober face, and felt a chill of vague apprehension begin to take the place of the hopeful glow in her heart. "Eh?" said Mrs. Jaynes, inquiringly.

Whatever Beorn and Eyelids might do or say, and however intoxicated they might become, he had planned for himself that he would keep quite sober, with his wits about him, that he might recall next day what they had done and said when thus taken off their guard.

The tradition, however swelling, still testifies to that large merit which must have been its basis, by reason of which the name of the hero was selected from all others for such peculiar honors; and though these exaggerations suggest a thousand difficulties in the way of sober history, they yet serve to increase the desire, as well as the necessity, for some such performance.

"Oh, I thought you wanted to say something." "Not a word. Too much talking makes my back stiff." "Your physical peculiarities are amazing, Mr. Boyle." "Huh, it's odd how things take some people. I once knew a chap, skipper of the Flower of the Ocean, who could drink a hogshead of beer an' be as sober as a judge except in one leg, an' that was a wooden one." She laughed.

But he found courage to say: "What do you pick on me for? If you hadn't all got drunk, you wouldn't be here." "You mean," said Sampson, quietly, "that if you hadn't remained sober enough to find your way into the after cabin and frighten the woman, we wouldn't ha' been here; for that's what roused Denman."

It is certainly one of the most singular facts of modern history that Louis Napoleon has few friends, yet is firmly seated upon his throne. His enemies are so divided, and so hate anarchy, that they all unite in keeping him where he is. But Paris laughs in its sleeve at all the baptismal splendors over the prince and the sober provisions for the regency made by the emperor.

I suppose all common things are made for that purpose, if we only knew it; and people should be glad to do anything to help the world along, even making good bread in a kitchen," answered Lily, in a sober way that showed that her little mind was already digesting the new food it had got. She stayed in Bread-land a long time, and enjoyed and learned a great deal that she never forgot.

The black mate's quiet, sedate method of going to work had given a sober tone to the life of the ship. Even in gales of wind everything went on quietly somehow. There was only one severe blow which made things fairly lively for all hands for full four-and-twenty hours. That was off the coast of Africa, after passing the Cape of Good Hope.