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"I do not think the British will attempt Mackinaw," Ben remarked, after a long pause and a good deal of smoking had enabled him to assume an air of safe indifference. "Got him, I tell you," answered Pigeonswing, pointedly. "Got what, Chippewa?" "Him Mac-naw got fort got so'gers got whole island. Know dat, for been dere." This was astounding news, indeed!

I haven't no idee that even bees would dare get upon HER! If they did, they'd soon get the worst on't Her tongue is all-powerful, to say nawthin' of her arms; and if the so'gers can only handle their muskets as she can handle a broom, there is no need of new regiments to carry on this war." Now, nothing could be more false than this character; but a drunkard has little regard to what he says.

"I'm glad to hear this, Pigeonswing, for I had begun to think NO man's scalp was safe under YOUR fingers. But what can the so'ger be doing down this-away? A body would think there was business enough for all the so'gers up at the garrison, at the head of the lake. By the way, Pigeonswing, what has become of your letter to the captain at Fort Dearborn, to let him know of the war?"

But flour can be brought down the Mississippi so much cheaper than it can be brought from New York." "Have you any idee, lieutenant, what Uncle Sam's men are paying for it at New Orleens, just to keep soul and bodies together among the so'gers?" "That may be true, sir quite true, I dare say, Mr. Spike.