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Each day the crust thawed, each night it froze again; and they were afoot early and late, being compelled to camp and rest during the midday hours of thaw when the crust could not bear their weight. When Smoke grew snow-blind, Labiskwee towed him on a thong tied to her waist. And when she was so blinded, she towed behind a thong to his waist.

It betrayed terror the horrible deadly fear of being left alone to perish in the icy wastes of the North. Beresford crept close and waved a hand in front of the big man's eyes. West did not know it. He babbled vain and foolish threats at his guide. The convict had gone blind snow-blind, and Stomak-o-sox had left him alone to make a push for his own life while there was still time.

Snow-blind, I see," he continued, critically examining him, "and generally used up." "Rather knocked up," replied Cameron, his tongue refusing to move with its accustomed ease. "But shall be fit in a day or two. Beastly sleepy, but cannot sleep somehow. Shall feel better when my mind is at rest. I cannot report fully just now." "Oh, let the report rest. We know something already." "How is that?"

The man had gone snow-blind. And then, singularly enough for the first time, it was borne in on him who this man was, what was the significance of his return.

Then, producing several small pieces of lime and sandstone, found among the earth kept in the boats, for the use of snow-blind gunners, he proceeded to rub down the edge to something like fitness for use. After this he carefully tempered the blade, and with a penknife cut out a handle, in which he inserted it, lashing the two firmly together with twine made from one of the cod-lines.

The country was sheeted in snow, and the party journeyed on snow-shoes; but when they reached the open prairies, the white expanse glared in the sun with so dazzling a brightness that La Salle and several of the men became snow-blind. They stopped and encamped under the edge of a forest; and here La Salle remained in darkness for three days, suffering extreme pain.

Is there a fog coming up, or am I dizzy?" "O, that's nothing," said La Salle, laughing. "You're only going blind snow-blind, I mean. You know that Kane tells about his people using goggles to prevent snow-blindness; and you left yours off yesterday and to-day." "Well, it's a curious thing. I can barely see you now; and I know I could not find my way home to save my life. But what shall I do?

It is strange that he did not speak of you, though, and I do not understand how " "He stole her from me when I was snow-blind, and left me to die!" I exclaimed. "I must rescue her " Father Antoine laid a heavy hand upon my shoulder. "Be assured, monsieur, that madame is perfectly happy and contented with her friends," he said. "And no doubt she has already regretted her escapade.

The White Guard slept. "No, Captain; leave me here and push on to Manitou Mountain. You ought to make it in two days. I'm just as safe here as on the sleds, and less trouble. A blind man's no good. I'll have a good rest while you're gone, and then perhaps my eyes will come out right. My foot's nearly well now." Jeff Hyde was snow-blind. The giant of the party had suffered most.

He looked, brushed his eyes unconsciously as though his sight were deceiving him, and looked again. "Karen," he said simply, coming forward and extending his hand, "I thought for the moment I was dreaming. I went snow-blind for a time, this spring, and since then my eyes have been playing tricks with me." Mrs.