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"Well, times have changed," said Keith, laughing. "You see they are as good as anybody now." "Not as good as anybody you mean as rich as anybody." "That amounts to about the same thing here, doesn't it?" "I believe it does, here," said the old lady, with a sniff. "Well," she said after a pause, "I think I will go back and tell Matilda what I have seen.

"I don't know," I said. "I've never tried." "Well that," said Polynesia, brushing some crumbs off the corner of the table with her left foot "that is what you call powers of observation noticing the small things about birds and animals: the way they walk and move their heads and flip their wings; the way they sniff the air and twitch their whiskers and wiggle their tails.

We hear the charge against him was dismissed, and we should be much obliged if you could tell us where to find him." Mr Sniff regarded the two boys with interest, and not without a slight trace of uneasiness.

"I presume you have been in Max's room, condoling with and encouraging him in his defiance of grandpa's authority; and let me tell you, I won't allow it." "It makes no difference whether you allow it or not," she said, turning away with a contemptuous sniff. "I'm my own mistress." "Do you mean to defy my authority, Zoe?" he asked, with suppressed anger. "Yes, I do.

I was much deceived, or she had read the insidious paragraph and recognised the comminated pearl-grey suit. I remember now a certain air with which she had laid the paper on my table, and a certain sniff, between sympathy and defiance, with which she had announced it: "There's your Mercury for ye!"

And to put the finishing touch to the vision by combining taste and smell, I have only to bite one of the biscuits they make nowadays of Lord knows what, reeking the moment you taste them, of fish glue and plaster that has been rained upon, I have only to eat that cold, insipid paste and sniff at a musty closet, and at once the lugubrious picture rises before me of some Godforsaken place!

She clasped her big hands with a pitying gesture, and cried out a Gaelic exclamation of compassion with a much-moved accent; then, "It's time I was here," she told herself. She wiped her eyes, passed the back of her hand over her nose with a sniff, picked up the dishcloth from the floor, and advanced upon a pile of dirty silver. Her massive bulk shook the floor.

Jack Shreve was no Newman; I had not his cool nerve when it came to flouting hell-ship rules. In truth, I was in a blue funk all the time I was aft, for fear I would be discovered. And there was another reason for my haste in getting forward. There was a sudden uproar in front of the foc'sle that bade fair to carry through the ship. There was trouble in the air; I could sniff it as I ran.

The plain homespun jean coat gave way to the broad-cloth one; and the neat, Turkey-red striped Sunday frock of the belle yielded to the gaudy red calico one, and there was a sniff of aristocratic contempt in the upturned nose towards those who, from choice or necessity, continued in the old habits. Material wealth augmented rapidly, and with it came all of its assumptions.

Suppose Shirley thinks it better sniff to stay here a while longer? If you're not out of debt you'll still have to pinch pennies and " He interrupted again, still quietly. "You must help to convince her it is best. She must come before it is too late." "What do you mean by that 'before it is too late'?" "I mean while I still want her to come." "Eh?" Aunt Clara stared sharply at him.