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God bless my soul, man! but you are the daftest donnet I ever saw on two legs!" cried Keziah, snatching up the coarse gray knitting which was the sole unanchored circumstance in the room and casting off her heel viciously. "What call had you to adopt a daughter you with never a wife to mother her nor a house of your own to take her to?

Snatching up an axe, she put herself in a posture of defence before him with gestures and in a manner as touching in the eyes of some among us as they were ludicrous in those of others; who cried to Maignan that he had met his match at last, with other gibes of the kind that pass current in camps.

On the trail a well-seasoned horse will be always on the forage, snatching here a mouthful, yonder a single spear of grass, and all without breaking the regularity of his gait, or delaying the pack-train behind him. At the end of the day's travel he is that much to the good.

For a little she stood thinking, then, turning to the counter, and snatching up a sheet of the paper he had bought, held it up to the light. She gave a cry of amazement. "Kathleen!" she exclaimed. She thought of the start he gave when he looked at the water-mark; she thought of the look on his face when he said he would buy all this paper she had.

Margaret rose, walked over to the table, and took up the quill. She trembled so violently that she could not control her hand. "No, mother, you shall not touch it," cried Yolanda, snatching the parchment from the countess and holding it behind her. "If I would let you, you could not make the alteration; see, your hand trembles! You would blot the parchment and spoil all this fine plan of mine.

Snatching up his hat and coat he walked into the kitchen, where he found a good-natured colored lady hard at work stirring batter in anticipation of some table luxury for a coming meal.

His voice was thick when he answered, as though he were speaking through a velvet pall. "I will kill him, if he will fight," he answered, with an effort. "I will not murder him, even for you." She started, for she had not realized how he would take literally what she said. She had no experience of desperate men in her limited life. "Murder him? No!" she said, snatching back her hand from his arm.

Minnow! baugh! But ask pardon; your honour is very welcome to fish with a minnow if you please it." "Thank you, Bunting. And pray what sport have you had to-day?" "Oh, good, good," quoth the Corporal, snatching up his basket and closing the cover, lest the young Squire should pry into it. No man is more tenacious of his secrets than your true angler.

Roger of Montgomery and his wife Mabel, who certainly was capable of any deed of blood or treachery, are charged with acting as false accusers. We see also that, as late as the day of Varaville, there were Norman traitors. Robert of Escalfoy had taken the Angevin side, and had defended his castle against the Duke. He died in a strange way, after snatching an apple from the hand of his own wife.

"Here's the best site for the tent," Prescott called, snatching up a stick and marking the site roughly. "Now, hustle! No; don't use the wooden stakes for the tent ropes. Drive the long iron stakes, and drive them deep!" Then Prescott ran back with oats and corn for the horse, leaving a generous feed for the animal.