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"I'd give a good deal," he said musingly, "if I thought I could ever come acrost such a housekeeper as you be, Mariana. But there! that's snarin' a white blackbird." "Cap'n," said Mariana. Her tone seemed to leap at him, and he had to look at her. "Why, Mariana!" he returned. Her face amazed him. It was full of light, but a light that glittered.

He was a hard man on the sinner. Preached hell and damnation all his days, he did. Lean over the pulpit, he would, his eyes flamin' fire an' his tongue shrivellin' folks in their pews, I can tell you!" "He left children?" I asked. "No, sir! Rev'rund never married. He felt women a snare. Land, not much snarin' with what farm women get to wear around here!

Now its jist as like as not, some goney of a Blue Nose, that see'd us from his fields, sailin up full spirit, with a fair wind on the packet, went right off home and said to his wife, "now do for gracious sake, mother, jist look here, and see how slick them folks go along; and that Captain has nothin to do all day, but sit straddle legs across his tiller, and order about his sailors, or talk like a gentleman to his passengers; he's got most as easy a time of it as Ami Cuttle has, since he took up the fur trade, a snarin rabbits.

"Where are you going from here when your Sea Spell sails, Captain Tugg?" I asked the Yankee animal collector. "Goin' to make the Straits," drawled he. "Goin' right back to headquarters for a bit. Mebbe we'll keep the old schooner in commission I'm taking down light cargo for headquarters now. But I leave most of the actual snarin' and trappin' of the critters to the Injuns and to the Professor.

Yow see, last night we were out arter conies, and thow I can swar we were out in th' open and not lookin' for conies on annybody's land, cos Dick an' I have already bin fined ten bob for snarin' conies on Farmer Cranley's land, an' if we went to Queensmead he moight think we'd been a snarin' there again. So Dick says to me, says he, 'Why not see the chap wot came into th' Anchor bar last night?