United States or Ireland ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Smythe to look in and see how you are." She went away to order the motor, and van Hert seized an opportunity to speak to Diana unheard. "I know what you are alluding to," he said, gravely. "We cannot very well leave it like this. Will you ride the same way to-morrow?" "But if you have fever?" hesitatingly. "In the war I fought all day long with fever on me. Surely I can ride! You will be there?"

Smythe, A.D.C. 1st brigade, Brigadier H. A. Macdonald; Major C. Keith Falconer, brigade-major. 2nd brigade, Brigadier Lewis; 3rd brigade, Brigadier Maxwell; 4th brigade, Brigadier Collinson.

Green" or "Attention Advertising Manager," and it may also be placed just above the salutation inside the letter. Sometimes the subject of the letter is indicated in the same way, Re Montana shipment, Re Smythe manuscript, etc. These lines may be typed in red or in capital letters so as to catch the attention of the reader at once.

Owing to the incapacity of the commanders, Van Rensselaer and Smythe, six thousand American troops were held in check, and smaller bodies of them defeated, by one thousand British. The military authorities in the centre waited for the reduction of western Canada before attempting to advance northward to Montreal. The campaign of 1813 was little more fortunate.

If the real names are a little altered, it need not interfere with the important facts relating to those who bear them. It might not be safe to tell a damaging story about John or James Smythe; but if the slight change is made of spelling the name Smith, the Smythes would never think of bringing an action, as if the allusion related to any of them.

The great 20th day of July had come round at last, and Arthur Herapath was in an unwonted flutter of excitement. For was not this speech-day, and were not Mr and Mrs Herapath and Daisy due by the 9.40 train? Ever since, a week ago, Arthur had heard that he had run a dead heat for the Swift Exhibition with Smythe of the School-House, he had not known which end of him was uppermost.

"But I've heard of you already." "I don't know whether to thank you or not," answered Marion. "Oh, if you please! What I heard made me very solicitous about Huntington's health." He smiled knowingly at her, and Marion loosed some of her pent-up laughter. Truly, Smythe was going to be a treat! She studied him stealthily while he chattered on.

'O, said Smythe with a rather bitter smile, 'supposing it not to be a native lie natives have been known to lie, my lord it's the sort of story one reads about in the Middle Ages, the sort of legend likely to linger. He was seen going into a church on a certain ill-starred night. The Bishop gave a start and interrupted him. 'Do you know what yesterday evening was? Why, it was Saint Mark's Eve.

But he took all their fun good-naturedly, and showed them he had pluck too. They began to like him. Everybody likes him, and so will you." "But in the name of who is he?" The little man had descended like a parachute from his pony, and was now bobbing rapidly up the graveled walk. "Smythe," explained Claire hurriedly. "But he's here now I'll let him tell you he likes to talk."

Yet these forms seem undeniably fit when used by the young to their elders, if the difference of years is great enough. The difficulty remains, however. You cannot as yet write on an envelope, Smythe Johnes, Sir, or Mary Johnes, Lady; and, in view of this fact, we find ourselves no nearer the solution of our constant reader's difficulty than we were at first.