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Aunt said you'd better 'ave it in bed 'smornin', after your journey!" She set the tray down on the table so carelessly that she spilled some of the contents of the coffee-pot. "Aunt forgot to ask would you have tea or coffee, so she sent up coffee. Mr. 'Inde always 'as coffee, so she thought you would, too! An' there's a 'addick. Mr. 'Inde likes 'addick. It ain't a bad fish!"

Lizzie, carrying a tray of dishes, came into the hall as he opened the door. "Just in time," she said affably. "If you'd 'a' been a bit sooner, you'd 'a' seen the Creams. They come back just after you went out 'smornin'. I told 'em all about you ... you bein' Irish an' littery an' never 'avin' been to the Zoo or anythink. They was interested!" "Oh!" "'E's such a nice man, Mr. Cream is.

No, I won't speak. It's a lesson to me for being such an easy-going fool." He turned thoughtful now, but was ready to look up sharply as Jerry entered. "Want me any more 'smornin', sir?" "No, Brigley, no. You have heard no more news of poor Smithson?" "No, sir, not a word." "Strange how I have been thinking of him all the night." "So have I, sir.

"The boys found a bees' nest in a tree an' have been robbin' it the smornin'," continued Mrs M'Swat. "Yes; we have ample exemplification of that," I responded. It was honey here and honey there and honey everywhere. It was one of the many varieties of dirt on the horrible foul-smelling tablecloth. It was on the floor, the door, the chairs, the children's heads, and the cups.