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Something struck him, which he recognized as a part of the top stone; for he had seen the workmen cutting and smoothing it day after day for many weeks prior to its elevation. Now she could boast no more of superior finish or position. The following day, the remaining shattered portion was removed and left by the roadside, where it could see another prepared to take its place.

Suddenly a cry broke from Madge, as she drew out of the mass of paper a half-burnt letter, written on thick and creamy-looking paper. "At last," she cried, rising off her knees, and smoothing it out; "I knew he had not destroyed it." "Pretty nearly, however," said Calton, as his eye glanced rapidly over it; "it's almost useless as it is. There's no name to it."

'It would be a great effort, I know, said Ethel, smoothing his hair; 'but after all, you volunteered not for pleasure, but because your country wanted defence. 'The country? I don't care for it, since it condemned him, when he was serving it. 'He would not say that, Aubrey! He would only be vexed to hear that you gave in, and were fickle to your undertaking.

At other times he would stay at home the whole of the twenty-four hours. But he always paid his rent regularly, and gave little trouble over his food. Yes," added Mrs. Benker, smoothing her apron, "Mr. Wilson was always a gentleman. I will say that." "Humph!" thought Steel, taking all this in eagerly. "A queer kind of gentleman," he added aloud. "Did you know anything else about him, Mrs. Benker?"

Smoothing his brow and allowing a more kindly expression to creep into his regard, he took two or three crushed and folded papers from a drawer beside him and, holding them, none too plainly in sight, remarked very quietly, but with legal firmness: "Do not let us play about the bush any longer.

"Ye can do 'most anythin' with these 'ere things if ye only know how, Dianthy. Didn't we come slick?" "Yes, indeed," stammered Diantha, hastily smoothing out the frown on her face and summoning a smile to her lips not for her best black silk gown would she have had Phineas know that she was wishing herself safe at home and the automobile back where it came from.

And not less furiously does the man also scratch his though he takes much more pains over his hair, combing and smoothing it in order to divide it well in front and display the tattoo which distinguishes the parting.

When you dropped the handkerchief behind me, I thought I know I was wrong and should have known better at the time but I thought " "Oh, Dic," she softly interrupted, still smoothing the grass with her foot, "I am not offended; it is you." Had the serene yellow moon burst into a thousand blazing suns, Dic could not have been more surprised. "Rita, do you mean it? Do you really mean it?" he asked.

Jane, who had thrown herself in a passion of grief on the water-soaked floor beside Archie, commenced wiping the dead boy's face with her handkerchief, smoothing the short wet curls from his forehead as she wept.

But the little cooking-stove, on which two smoothing irons were heating, the scraps of different patterned carpets which hid the floor, and made it appear as if covered with some kind of variegated woollen chowder, the second-hand, conciliating please-buy-me look of the three chairs, and the dirt and greasy grime which gave a character to the place, told at once the true state of facts.