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Abdy, Smedes, Andrews, Bremer, and Olmsted found during their stay in the South many slaves who had experienced unusual spiritual and mental development. Nehemiah Adams, giving the southern view of slavery in 1854, said that large numbers of the slaves could read and were furnished with the Scriptures.

They decided to maintain a discreet silence, but to make some quiet inquiries. A few hours later Smedes, the Doctor's body servant, was sent upon an errand to the little village nearest Leslie Manor, and Smedes knew every servant at that school. When he returned Dr. and Mrs.

He believed that they were about as well off as they would have been, had they been free. Giving her experiences on a Mississippi plantation, Susan Dabney Smedes stated that the white children delighted in teaching the house servants. One night she was formally invited with the master, mistress, governess, and guests by a twelve-year-old school mistress to hear her dozen pupils recite poetry.

Kilton became considerably wiser regarding the true facts of the case, but decided to say nothing to Beverly's brother for the present. But they kept in constant communication with Leslie Manor, via Smedes and Jefferson. Far and wide did Leslie Manor send messages and messengers. No horse was to be found.