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"Let us hurry; it is growing late. They will be shutting off the lights before we return." The police-bureau was far away, but the distance was nothing to these healthy young people. They progressed at a smart pace and in less than twenty minutes they arrived. It was Gretchen who drew back fearfully. "After all, will it not be foolish?" she suggested. "They will be searching for me," he answered.

The picture I had carried in my mind was one of shining tent-walls, soldierly men in gay and gaudy uniforms, fluttering guidons, blue ammunition-boxes in orderly array, smart sentries pacing their posts, and a head-quarters tent where busy officers bent over maps and reports.

The notion of such an employment as hers was in itself chic, but the girl was merely a paid part of the entertainment, as yet, and had not risen above the hireling status. If she had sunk to that level from a higher rank it would be all right, but there was no evidence that she had ever been smart.

She kept looking round and round, searching for things where she had been accustomed to find them, and she looked as if something hurt her. I asked her if she didn't like it, and she said "`Oh, yes, it looks much more more modern. Yes, dear, you have been very clever. It is quite smart! A little bare, isn't it just a little bare, don't you think?

The gentlemen remained near the fire in the dining-room, one of them stretched on the sofa, and the other using its cushions as a mattress. On the following morning I learned the meaning of the word "smart" for the first time, it being so frequently repeated by our good hostess, who had made room for me by the kitchen fire to dress my child.

So smart were the "Scourge" in making sail that they were all down on deck again, and every inch of our canvas dragging at us like a cart-horse, before the Frenchman had got his stunsail-booms fairly rigged out.

See? Und I don't vant a goil, I vant a man a smart young fellah, y'understand. . . . Jewish? Yes! You betcher! No more Christian goils in mine! Dey have rotten minds plain rotten minds!" But to Ethel, walking blindly, no such explanation occurred.

He had decided that it should be in the Romanesque style, very large, very simple, its nave nearly three hundred feet long, its steeple four hundred and sixty feet high. It shone out resplendently in the clear sunlight, freed on the previous day of the last scaffolding, and looking quite smart in its newness, with its broad courses of stone disposed with perfect regularity.

Luxury of the showiest kind everywhere in the ascendant; smart equipages and gaily-dressed crowds, the shop-fronts glittering with artistic treasures, everyone outwardly happy, and leading a careless, joyous existence. Englishmen, officers especially, were just now welcome guests in Paris. Mr.

When the music ceased, a smart parley between Melchior and me, and Philotas, and Timothy, as the two fools, would take place; and Melchior declared, after the performance was over, that we conducted ourselves to admiration. "Pray, Mr Philotas, do me the favour to tell me how many people you think are now present?" said Melchior to Num, in an imperative voice.