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This refreshing beverage filled him with new energy to tackle the issues of the day, and thereupon began a routine as fixed as some religious ritual. First, he smacked his lips, then he cleared his throat loudly several times, after which his chair creaked as he massaged his rheumatic leg.

These may be said to have been the articles of a faith and school which the present chapter takes the liberty of calling, after its representative man, Podsnappery. They were confined within close bounds, as Mr Podsnap's own head was confined by his shirt-collar; and they were enunciated with a sounding pomp that smacked of the creaking of Mr Podsnap's own boots. There was a Miss Podsnap.

He drank it all, and then he smacked his lips and laughed not quite a joyous laugh, but a wild, fierce, triumphant laugh, such as one might imagine would issue from the panting lips of some stout victor of the olden time as he clutched a much-coveted prize, after slaying some half-dozen enemies. "Ha ha! I've got it at last!" he cried aloud, smacking his lips again. And so he had.

She seldom troubled about a chaperon, and would calmly give a lunch at the Carlton without one if she wanted to. Indeed, she had been seen there more than once, making one of a party of six, five of whom were men. She did not care for women as a sex, and said so in the plainest language, denouncing their mentality as still afflicted by a narrowness that smacked of the harem.

Without giving reasonable time for politeness, Daley seized the bottle, and putting it to his mouth, gauged about half its contents into his homony dept, smacked his lips, wiped his mouth with his cuff, and, passing the balance back, shut and rebolted the door, after saying, "Good luck till yees, an' I wish yees a merry time."

Did Bunny and Susan tuck them up warm in bed? Well, I guess they did, and Doctor Cotton-Tail gave them hoarhound candy. Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes smacked their lips and said, "If we had fallen in the water we could have had candy too." Doctor Cotton-Tail said, "You cunning little things, you look as much alike as two peas. You shall each have a stick of lemon candy."

You said yourself that God taught us to serve each other without seeking for a reward; but I'll reward you. "Why will you annoy me, preaching to me, and frightening me? Do you want me to be like you? That's too bad! You can't make me like yourself! Foo! Foo!" He talked, smacked his lips, snuffled, and sighed. I stood staring at him, open-mouthed with astonishment.

He shivered; then smacked his lips and began to reflect what face he should put upon it when he went to report to his pupil. In deciding that point he made a mistake.

Half an hour later, as gaily as if she had known them both all her life, she introduced them to Pa. Pa, whose youngest daughter was just now in high favour, was mildly pleased with the invasion. This impromptu hospitality smacked of prosperity, of worldliness. He went stiffly into the study with John, to bore the poet with an old volume about California: "From the Padres to the Pioneers."

Not one drop of water had been apportioned to their use. No suggestion of such a thing had been afforded it would have been ridiculed as preposterous. It was only after everything had been settled, that mention was made of them. Then a rough fellow cried out, in a tone of mock surprise, that smacked of a disgusting levity: "Thunder an' 'oun's! what's to be done with the niggers!"