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"That's very flash, that what you're doing," said Beale; "who learned you that?" "I learned it in a dream," said Dickie slowly. "I dreamed I 'ad a fever and I'll tell you if you like: it's a good yarn good as Here Ward, very near." Beale lay back on the dry stubble, his pipe between his teeth. "Fire away," he said, and Dickie fired away.

At any time he could have escaped into the baggage-room or withdrawn to a dignified distance until his train should come up. But the old man had evidently got a sort of joy from this teasing. He had reached that inevitable age when we are tickled to be linked with affairs of gallantry, no matter how. With him now the Eastbound departed slowly into that distance whence I had come.

Rebecca walked slowly toward home, forgetting all the joy of the afternoon; forgetting even that it was her fourteenth birthday, and that a string of gold beads for her was probably on board the Polly. Paul Foster towed the fine sapling to the very place that Lucia had mentioned, and his father came to the shore and looked at it admiringly as he helped Paul make it secure.

His coat hung carelessly open; the Panama hat in his hand suggested a certain habitual informality of dress, but his smoothly shaven large handsome face, with its jaws slowly ruminant upon nothing, intimated the consequence of a man accustomed to supremacy in a subordinate place. Mrs.

He had a body that could shake, that could feel pain, that was feeling pain now. He tried to move, to break the nightmare, to get back again to the vague dreams, and the soothing whisper. He moved. His limbs thrashed leadenly, his chest heaved and panted, his eyes opened. He lay in a narrow bunk in a very small metal room. He looked slowly around. He did not know this place.

And to think, continued Arbaces, slowly, and very deliberately 'to think that a word of thine could save him, and consign Arbaces to his doom! 'That word shall never be spoken, said Calenus. 'Right, my Calenus! it never shall, returned Arbaces, familiarly leaning his arm on the priest's shoulder: 'and now, halt we are at the door.

Indeed, she made no motion to produce the two pieces I had lent to her; and so we rode on slowly towards Dublin, into which city we made our entrance at nightfall.

Young Petunikoff entered slowly, took off his hat, looked around him, and said to the eating-house keeper: "Egor Terentievitch Vaviloff? Are you he?" "I am," answered the sergeant, leaning on the bar with both arms as if intending to jump over it. "I have some business with you," said Petunikoff. "Delighted. Please come this way to my private room."

Where the stream runs there are bunches of waving bamboos, and at the lower end, where the wall is broken, there is a little grove of nut trees, where the nightingales sing. "It must be seven; come, let us go slowly towards the trees," said Juanita. They both looked round eagerly.

There was no time for either to retreat. He started toward Elaine, and seized her roughly. Back and forth over the rocky floor they struggled. As they fought, she with frantic strength, he craftily, he backed her slowly up against the prop that upheld the roof. He raised his keen knife. She recoiled. The prop, none too strong, suddenly gave way under her weight.