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A passage in through the gate, and McAndrews first knocked at, then kicked against the door. The sleepy-faced, small-eyed jailer finally opened to us. The wrinkled skin of the old man hung loosely from his neck. It wabbled as he talked. "What the hell's the mattah with you folks?" protested McAndrews, the night watchman, "slep' late," yawned the jailer, "it bein' Sunday mawhnin'."

In the trainmaster's room of the weather-beaten headquarters building, nicknamed by railroad men "The Wickiup," early comers sleepy-faced, keen-eyed trainmen lounged on the tables and in chairs discussing the reports from Point of Rocks, and among them crew-callers and messengers moved in and out.

An excited jargon filled the place which, with the air of physical disorder as if the workers were haphazardly improvising their activities, gave the room a vivid though seemingly impermanent life. On the benches against a peeling wall sleepy-faced boys with precocious eyes kept up a lazy hair-pulling, surreptitious wrestling bout.

During grand opera season one might see the Markleys hanging about the great hotels of Chicago or Kansas City, he a tired, sleepy-faced, prematurely old man, who seemed to be counting the hours till bed-time, and she a tailored, rather overfed figure, with a freshly varnished face and unhealthy, bright, bold eyes, walking slightly ahead of her shambling companion, looking nervously about her in search of some indefinite thing that was gone from her life.

'To be sure! cried a sleepy-faced carpenter, casting an approving look at the garret-window. 'It'll do him good! said the two women. 'And he shall have it, too! rejoined the man, administering another blow, and seizing Oliver by the collar. 'Come on, you young villain! Here, Bull's-eye, mind him, boy! Mind him!

It may well be imagined that the party created something of a sensation as it whirled along. The constant popping of the engines, the strong lights which flashed ahead, and the voices of the marines brought many a sleepy-faced Chinaman to the door of his home. Now and then the boys were hailed from the roadside, but little attention was paid to these calls.