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"Very well, I'm all attention," said Rosamond, and like a lamb before its slaughterer she knelt before the woman, bending low her graceful head to have the wreath removed. This done, Miss Porter said, "Have you any camphor handy, or hartshorn? I am sometimes faint and may want them."

I charged the messenger, however, that he should not tell my name, but should say only that it was "Mouth of Dingaan." Then I and those with me followed slowly on the path of the man whom I sent forward, for the way was still far, and I had bidden him return and meet me bearing the words of the Slaughterer, Holder of the Axe.

There is no getting away from it: either the precursor of the Calicurgi, that slaughterer of Scorpions, knew her trade thoroughly, or else the continuation of her race became impossible, even as it would be impossible to keep up the race of the Tarantula-killer without the dagger-thrust that paralyses the Spider's poison-fangs.

Then we kissed and parted, and I watched Macropha, my wife, and Nada, my daughter, till they melted into the sky, as they walked upon their journey to Swaziland, and was very sad, because, having lost Umslopogaas, he who in after days was named the Slaughterer and the Woodpecker, I must lose them also.

The critic cuts a book to pieces and shakes hands with the author afterwards, and the victim must keep on good terms with his slaughterer, or run the gantlet of innumerable jokes at his expense. If he refuses, he is unsociable, eaten up with self-love, he is sulky and rancorous, he bears malice, he is a bad bed-fellow.

And you, my children, shout loudly, so that none may hear us move; and, if we win through, follow swiftly, for we cannot hold the mouth of that place for long. Hearken, also! this is my counsel to you: if I fall choose another chief Galazi the Wolf, if he is still living." "Nay, Slaughterer, do not name me," said the Wolf, "for together we live or die." "So let it be, Galazi.

Therefore, desirous as we are of helping all distressed people, we have, for the prosperity of our race, come hither to slay thee, the slaughterer of our relatives. This, O king, is a great error of judgment on thy part.

Zinita watched him go, and she was glad of it, and because the Slaughterer had named her for his wife. "I am well rid of Masilo," she said aloud, in the hearing of Galazi, "but I had been better pleased to see him dead before me." "This woman has a fierce heart," thought Galazi, "and she will bring no good to Umslopogaas, my brother."

"No, Slaughterer, not so are we minded!" and right and left they faced to meet the foe, while from all along the companies came the crackling of the shaken shields. Back sprang Umslopogaas to head his men; forward leaped the soldiers of the king to work the king's will, if so they might.

I did it to divert myself. 'It is beautiful, Monsieur, the slaughterer! He tells me I have the gentility to say so. I look into rows of slaughter-houses. In many, retail dealers, who have come here for the purpose, are making bargains for meat.