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"Isn't it a curious thing, now, to think that we're all at sea a eatin', and drinkin', and slaapin' or goin' to slaape jist as if we wor on the land, and the great ocean away down below us there, wid whales, and seals, and walrusses, and mermaids, for what I know, a swimmin' about jist under whare we sit, and maybe lookin' through the ice at us this very minute. Isn't it quare?"

"Isn't it a curious thing, now, to think that we're all at sea a-eatin', and drinkin', and slaapin' or goin' to slaap jist as if we wor on the land, and the great ocean away down below us there, wid whales, and seals, and walruses, and mermaids, for what I know, a-swimmin' about jist under whare we sit, and maybe lookin' through the ice at us this very minute. Isn't it quare?"

He don't throuble his hid to tell much to any wan; an', sure, wasn't the doctor slaapin' whin he returned aboord i' the night, an' wasn't I nursin' of 'im, and d'ee think any wan could git at 'im widout my lave?" Otto thought that certainly no one could easily accomplish that feat, and was about to say so, when Dr Marsh said remonstratively

"Well, ye saas, I had to crawl up to 'em mighty careful, for if you step upon a stick no bigger than a tooth-pick, yees are sortin to wake up a slaapin' copper-skin " "So they were Indians, then," interrupted Elwood somewhat impatiently. "Do yes be aisy now, and not be interruptin' of me, and yer observations and questions which ain't naaded in this case.

"The buffalo bull had a good deal to do with our impolite tarryin', and as he is slaapin' with his four mithers, I maan his forefathers, let him rist in pace." The boys did not allow their words to delay their hands. The raft was shoved clear, and the two took their positions upon it, Fred holding the pole, while his companion looked after the guns.