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"Skyrider-r has flew into-o the blew Ta-da, da-da, da-daa-a-a No-obody knew what he aimed to do Till he went and said adieu. "Says he, 'Good-bye, I aim to fly To foreign lands, ta da-a " "Oh, for gracious sake, Bud! I always knew you were queer at times, but I really didn't know you had fits. So it was Skyrider riding off to call on Venus, was it?

Mary V turned quickly, a bit guiltily, and confronted Johnny himself, riding up with something dragging rigidly from the saddle to the ground behind Sandy's heels. The confusion in Johnny's face served to restore somewhat the poise which Mary V had felt slipping. "Hello, Skyrider," she greeted him chirpily.

Tex caught the boot dexterously without interrupting his song, except that he forgot the words and sang ta-da-da-da to the end of the verse. "Po'try was wrote to be read," he replied sententiously when he had finished. "And tunes was made to be sung. And yo' all oughta be proud to death at the way yo' all made a hit with yore po'try. It beats what Mary V wrote, Skyrider.

He guessed mebby Skyrider would aim to keep one foot on solid ground hereafter if he didn't go clean under it. That shore was a bad lookin' head he had on 'im. Which brought forth questions from Mary V, and the somewhat qualified comfort of Bland's experience. Johnny's next dream was a nightmare of pain and jolting.

You're the little boy that invented flyin' got the idea from yore own head, by thunder, when it swelled up like a balloon with self-conceit! That there gas-head of yourn'll take yuh right up amongst the clouds some day, and you won't need no flyin' machine, neither! Skyrider is right!" Accidentally Johnny had touched Bud's self-esteem in a tender spot.

The Bear Cat was breaking the speed law, and Mary V had no time to say more. "Where you takin' me, f'r cat's sake?" "Oh for a ride. Don't you like to ride?" Mary V's voice was filled with amiability; too much so to satisfy Bland, who eyed her with suspicion. "Aw, a fellow can't never git a square deal no more. Here I been hunting the town over trying to git some line on Skyrider.

After keeping the country in a turmoil of excitement over his disappearance in an airplane, the Skyrider, young Jewel, flies boldly to Rolling R ranch and abducts beautiful Mary V Selmer, only daughter of the rich rancher who led the search for the missing birdman. Romance is not dead, though airplanes have taken the place of horses when young Lochinvar goes boldly out to steal himself a bride.

One of the foremost of the unarmed group grinned. "This here must be Skyrider Jewel, boys, no mistake about that he's running true to form. 'Nother elopement only this time he's went and eloped with a spy, he claims." "Here comes the leatherneck. You'll wish you hadn't of lit, Skyrider. You'll be shot at sunrise for this, sure!" "You know it! It's a firing squad for yours, allrighty!"

Before he started back, Johnny leaned over and shouted to Mary V: "You can tell the boys they can sing that Skyrider thing all they want to, now." "They won't want to now," Mary V yelled back.

If yo' all want to know my honest opinion, Mary V's plumb sore because yo' all made up po'try about Venus instid of about her." He sat down on a corner of the littered table and began to roll a cigarette, jerking his head towards the bungalow and lowering one eyelid slowly. "Girls, I'm plumb next to 'em, Skyrider. I growed up with four of 'em.