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Two drops of that would kill the strongest man in a moment." "In a moment?" asked Learn. "Yes: he would fall dead directly." "Would it be painful?" "No, not at all, I believe." "Show it me," said Learn. He took the bottle from the shelf. It was a sixty-minim bottle, quite full, stoppered and secured. She held out her hand for it, and he gave it to her. "Two drops!" mused Leam.

On the contrary, he burdened his soul with the, to him, unpardonable crime of falsehood that he might shield Leam from detection; for when his father, missing the sixty-minim bottle of hydrocyanic acid, asked him what had become of it, Alick answered, with that wonderful coolness of virtue descending to sin for the protection of the beloved which is sometimes seen in the ingenuous, "I broke it by accident, father, and forgot to tell you."

He had heard half a dozen times of Madame de Montfort's sudden death, and how very strange it was that the draught which she had taken so often with impunity before should have been found so laden with prussic acid on the first night of her homecoming as to kill her in an instant how strange, too, that not the strictest search or inquiry could come upon a trace of such poison bought or possessed by any member of the family, for what police-officer would look to find a sixty-minim bottle of prussic acid concealed among the coils of a young girl's hair?