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I wish you could once hear my sister's voice, said the schoolmistress. If it is like yours, it must be a pleasant one, said I. I never thought mine was anything, said the schoolmistress. How should you know? said I. People never hear their own voices, any more than they see their own faces. There is not even a looking-glass for the voice.

"Why, so handsome that you may always venture to show it beside your sister's; and yesterday, in the procession, the great Roman sitting by the queen looked as often at her as at Cleopatra herself. If you had been there too he would not have had a glance for the queen, for you are a pretty thing, as I can tell you.

"Father told me to be sure to get flowers whenever we wanted them." "Lucky Ruth!" sighed Harriet. "I wish I had such a rich and generous father as you have!" "What can we wear to the President's reception to-morrow, Bab?" Mollie whispered in her sister's ear, while Harriet and Ruth were having their conference. Bab thought for a moment.

At length, after returning to his inn and refreshing himself, he made up his mind to call at his sister's home, trusting that he should find her alone. All was quiet as could be in the little street or lane down which he now made his way. Knocking at the door of the neat but humble dwelling where his sister lived, she herself answered the summons.

Meanwhile Marie, realising the hopelessness of her passion in face of the opposition of her uncle and the Queen, and of Louis' approaching marriage to the Spanish Princess, had given him unequivocally to understand that their relations must cease, and the rupture was complete when the Comtesse told the King of her sister's dallying with Prince Charles of Lorraine, of their assignations in the Tuileries, of their mutual infatuation, and of the rumours of an arranged marriage.

I take it as such. I thank you, but it must not be repeated. You have come to be my friend, my sister, you say. God bless you for that. I need a sister's love so much, and Adah has given it to me. You like Adah?" and he fixed his eyes inquiringly on Alice, who answered: "Yes, very much."

Captain Ogilvy returned by much the same route to his sister's cottage, but did not attempt to conceal his movements. On the contrary, knowing that the sloop must have got clear of the harbour by that time, he went along the streets whistling cheerfully. He had been a noted, not to say noisy, whistler when a boy, and the habit had not forsaken him in his old age.

It was yet early, when, in the full enjoyment of these undoubting thoughts, Hester stood by her sister's bedside. Margaret was still sleeping, but with that expression of weariness in her face which had of late become too common. Hester gazed long at the countenance, grieving at the languor and anxiety which it revealed.

He wrote letters to the Court, which he sent by special courier, and I said to the King, "Pray, Sire, let her do as she likes; she will surely have time enough to look at her husband later on." Near Saint Fargeau, when the Princess heard that this estate was her sister's, Mademoiselle sent a gentleman with her compliments, to ask if she would give her shelter for twenty-four hours.

"Looks mighty fishy," muttered Tom Cameron. "I could punch 'Lasses' head, the way I feel." These thoughts seemed to take Tom's appetite away. To his sister's surprise, he returned in a very few minutes to the front porch of the bungalow. "I told you that you had boa-constrictor habits," she gasped. "Why, Tom Cameron! you must have swallowed your supper whole."