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This was read to the Linnaean Society in 1815, and published in the twelfth volume of its "Transactions." These insects immediately approach the fauces of the leaves, and, leaning over their edges, appear to sip with eagerness something from their internal surfaces. In this position they linger; but at length, allured as it would seem by the pleasure of taste, they enter the tubes.

And sometimes he would go down in a hired vehicle and a sealskin trimmed coat, and sometimes, when his feet permitted, he would walk to the Pantiles, and there he would sip chalybeate water under the eye of his cousin Jane. His stooping shoulders, his pink appearance, his beaming glasses, became a "feature" of Tunbridge Wells.

Perhaps you won't like it, but mother used to be very fond of it." "No matter. We'll have it if you like it and it brings you pleasant thoughts of your mother." Then he took a good sip of coffee and set the cup down again as he had before under the Mumpson regime, but with a very different expression. She looked anxiously at him, but was quickly reassured.

"She declared that she was dull, and that she had never seen A /Message from Mars./ I think that all that serious talk the other evening gave her the blues." "I am always dull in the winter when there is no hunting," Sybil remarked. "This frost is abominable. I have not forgotten our talk either. I feel positively wicked every time I sip champagne."

We had spats about the coffee, the table-cloth, the carriage, games of cards, trifles, in short, which could not be of the least importance to either of us. As for me, a terrible execration was continually boiling up within me. I watched her pour the tea, swing her foot, lift her spoon to her mouth, and blow upon hot liquids or sip them, and I detested her as if these had been so many crimes.

"That's a fact." Trigger took another sip. She set down her glass. "There's something else," she said reluctantly. "Yes?" "When you said you'd come on board to see I got to Manon, I was thinking none of the people who'd been after me on Maccadon could know I was on the Dawn City. They might though. Quite easily." "Oh?" said Quillan. "Yes. You see I made two calls to the ticket office.

"Well, let them watch me, if they wish," returned Blanka, composedly. "I have no secrets to hide from anybody." "A rash assertion for a woman to make," commented the other, as she poured herself a glass of water. "How warm this water is!" she exclaimed, after taking a sip. Blanka sprang up and offered to bring some ice from the dining-room. "Aren't you afraid to go for it alone?"

"Well, now I've come to the beginnin' o' my story." Mattie took that last delicious sip of tea at the bottom of the cup. "He's layin' in bed, an' Adam's settin' by the stove; an' I wanted to know if you wouldn't run in, long towards noon, an' warm up suthin' for 'em." "Yes, indeed," said Mary Dunbar. "I'll be there."

Before he could speak I had my arms around him, and he sank to his knees in my embrace. He was breathing heavily. "Tired out thet's whut's the matter," he muttered, leaning over on one hand. "Come through the woods t' save yer life, I did, an' they was tight up t' me all the way." "Poor fellow!" said the baroness, who stood at the door. "Help him in at once and give him a sip of brandy."

'He is a how you have it? escape run-a-way, from over there. He nodded towards the darkness of the night. 'Speak to him if he'll answer you, and speak to him gently, said little Mildred, settling the man in a chair. It seemed most improper to all present that Dirkovitch should sip brandy as he talked in purring, spitting Russian to the creature who answered so feebly and with such evident dread.