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Never let a day pass without gently exercising all the muscles. Massage the abdomen each night before retiring. Keep the colon clean by the use of the "Cascade," and bathe at least three times a week. To relieve an attack, flush the colon thoroughly. Take a hot foot-bath, and while taking it, take a cup of hot lemonade without sugar so hot that you have to sip it.

Perhaps she is thinking of him at this very moment, as her jewelled hand presses her perfumed handkerchief to her fair and coroneted brow, and she languidly stops to purchase a ruby bracelet at Gunter's, or to sip an ice at Howell and James's. He must have whole mattresses stuffed with the blonde or raven or auburn tresses of England's fairest daughters.

I do not understand it and I suppose that you will not either, but it matters not, for I have discovered that the good things of this earth are not equally divided between dogs or men. All are not fitted to lie on the lap and sip milk, I have not been accustomed to it; but I saw a little dog seated in the coach with us and it occupied a person's place.

And as I fly, I pause to sip and feed, but fly I must." For Joan, Patricia felt a strange attraction. The child that was so persistent in Joan appealed to Patricia while it irritated her. "She'll get hurt if she doesn't grow up!" the girl thought, and began at once rather crude forcing measures.

Bob Flick quickly poured out a glass of her father's cognac and held it to her lips. She took a sip of it and it seemed to revive her. "He thought that I," her voice was hoarse and labored, "he thought that I was like those other women that he has picked up and got tired of and left, Selma Le Grand, and Fanny Estrel, and others.

There was a ripple of laughter. "I don't see but that we shall have to quit drinking tea," said Doctor Warren. "We drink altogether too much. It has become a dissipation. We drink it morning, noon, and night. Some of the old ladies of my acquaintance keep the teapot on the coals pretty much all the time. Our wives meet in the afternoon to sip tea and talk gossip.

Even green fruits can be eaten with impunity if they are very thoroughly masticated. Those who are fond enough of liquors to take an excess should sip their alcoholic beverages very slowly, tasting every drop before swallowing. This would decrease their consumption of liquor greatly. Even water should not be gulped down. It should be taken rather slowly, especially on hot days.

As the Kentuckian raised it to sip, the scent of the wine quirked time for him, making this for a fleeting moment the dining room at Red Springs during a customary after-dinner gathering of the men of the household. The talk there, too, had been of horsesalways horses.

Oh, my dear, dear Peter!" and she flung her arms around Peter's neck and held him with all her might against her ripening bosom. To Cissie her theft, her jail sentence, her pregnancy, were nothing more than if she had taken a sip of water.

Carl was chiefly silent, but now and then, after a sip of whisky, he would say "Yes" with impressiveness and stare gloomily out of the darkening window. The ladies Ebag had a remarkable example of the influence of music on character in the person of Edith Ebag.