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Between each sip and each mouthful, she appealed to him to follow her example, now with cajolery, now with menace, till at length, worked up by the united stimulus of the Mountain and her own ungovernable rage, she dashed down the glass and unfinished slice of cake, and, before the astonished Lady Annabel, rushed forward to give him what she had long threatened, and what she in general ultimately had recourse to, a good shake.

"Doltaire, we looked for you at dinner," he said. "Was Captain Moray" nodding towards me "lost among the petticoats? He knows the trick of cup and saucer. Between the sip and click he sucked in secrets from our garrison a spy where had been a soldier, as we thought. You once wore a sword, Captain Moray eh?"

Orlo, from his quickness of vision, was now constantly employed as one of the look-outs. He was on the watch to go aloft directly it gave signs of clearing. His impatience, however, did not allow him to remain till the mist dispersed. Away aloft he went, observing, "It must fine soon; den I see sip." He had not been many minutes at the masthead when he shouted, "Sip in-shore!"

Grundy would say, could her Argus-eyes penetrate to the spot, where we, bound to "die of roses in aromatic pain," in miners'-garb, masculine and muddy, sit on stones with earthy delvers, more than six hundred feet under ground, where the foot of woman has never trod before, nor the voice of woman echoed, and sip, with the relish of intense thirst, steaming black tea from an old tin cup!

"Who lighted the fuse, I wonder?" said Wylie. "Didn't I tell ye it was 'Somebody'?" said Hudson. "Hand me the stiff." He replenished his glass, and, after taking a sip or two, asked Wylie if he had ever had the luck to be boarded by pirates. "No," said Wylie. "Have you?" "Ay; and they rescued me from a watery grave, as the lubbers call it.

HOME TREATMENT. Avoid highly seasoned food, and the use of spirituous liquors; also excessive fatigue, either physical or mental. To check the flow, patient should be kept quiet, and allowed to sip cinnamon tea during the period. HOME TREATMENT. Often brought on by colds. A teaspoonful of the fluid extract of viburnum will sometimes act like a charm.

"Any more on the ice?" demanded the officer in charge of the boat. Then, following Dick's reply in the negative, he continued: "Right! shove off, bow! pull port! Give way all! Now it's us for the ship. Put your backs into it, lads. A minute or two may make all the difference between life and death for some of these poor chaps that we've fished up. Here, have a sip of brandy, you two.

If we have the will to relearn His Will, we stand still and think of it, we walk to seek it, we try to accept it, trembling we bow down to it with obedience and many tears; and behold! it changes to an Invitation, a sigh of beauty, a breath of spring, the song of birds, the faces of flowers, the ever-ascending spiral of the mating of all loves, the sunshine of the Universe; and at last, intoxicated with happiness, we say: "My God, my Love, I sip and drink Thy Will as an ambrosial Wine!"

Montmorency, with a judicial sip at the contents of his tumbler. "I saw the lady several times. More by token, I accidentally witnessed a curious little scene between Miss Addie and a gentleman whom Nature appeared to have specially manufactured for the part of heavy parent you know the type.

"When a teenage kid's as tall as I am and masses at least twice as much, it's nice to see someone smaller. And speaking of size " He held up his drink, about the tenth or twelfth glass he'd traded. "This wine doesn't have much of a kick, but even if I only take a sip every time I meet someone, it won't be long before I'm wiped out.