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We went to a tarven close to Bombay Bay; the wide verandas full of flowers and singin' birds made it pleasant. We got good things to eat here; oh, how Josiah enjoyed the good roast beef and eggs and bread, most as good as Jonesville bread. Though it seemed kinder queer to me, and I don't think Miss Meechim and Arvilly enjoyed it at all to have our chamber work done by barelegged men.

It took me back, I can tell yer. The coach was full of grinnin' passengers, an' the worst of it was that I didn't know how long Tom had been drivin' slow behind me an' takin' me out of windin'. There's nothin' upsets a cove as can't sing so much as to be caught singin' or spoutin' poetry when he thinks he's privit'.

I felt sick at heart while my companion recited these horrors. "But it's a curious fact," he continued after a pause, during which we walked in silence towards the spot where we had left our comrades "it's a curious fact, that wherever the missionaries get a footin' all these things come to an end at once, an' the savages take to doin' each other good and singin' psalms, just like Methodists."

The fresh, clear voice of the child rang through the trees, stealing the stricken heart away from the lure of the river: "Will you come back home, where the young larks are singin'? The door is open wide, and the bells of Lynn are ringin'; There's a little lake I know, And a boat you used to row To the shore beyond that's quiet will you come back home?

"We're no friends of the Fort," she said finally, "but I don't reckon for that reason my brother will cotton to YOU. Stay out thar where ye are, till I come to ye. If you hear me singin' again, you'll know he's come back, and ye'd better scoot with what you've already got, and be thankful."

My bloomin young daughter, Sarah Ann, bothered me summut by singin, "Why do summer roses fade?" "Because," said I, arter hearin her sing it about fourteen times, "because it's their biz! Let 'em fade!"

Everybody knows that that is, everybody but Grandfather and the gang down here," he added, in disgust. "I don't say you're wrong. Laban tells me that some of those singin' folks get awful high wages, more than the cap'n of a steamboat, he says, though that seems like stretchin' it to me. But, as I say, Cap'n Lote was proud, and nobody but the best would satisfy him for Janie, your mother.

"Well, Aunt Linda, they say in every flock of sheep there will be one that's scabby," observed Iola. "Dat's so! But I ain't got no use fer scabby sheep." "Lindy," cried John, "we's most dar! Don't you yere dat singin'? Dey's begun a'ready." "Neber mine," said Aunt Linda, "sometimes de las' ob de wine is de bes'."

"When we all get down to hell," he said, "they'll be quite a little talkin' done about this play of Jim's you c'n lay to that." "Who's that singin' down the canyon?" asked Jordan. "It sounds like " He would not finish his sentence as if he feared to prove a false prophet. They rose as one man and stared stupidly at one another. "Haines!" broke out Rhinehart at last.

My brother Frank showed me once where my mammy was buried. Us didn' have no preachin', or singin', or nothin', neither. Us didn' even git to have meetin's on Sund'y less us slip off an' go to some other plantation. Course, I got to go wid de white folks sometime an' set in de back, or on de steps. Dat was whan I was little.