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It must be allowed that Captain Thorkald was a very ordinary lord for a woman like Margaret Sinclair to "love, honor and obey;" but few men would have been worthy of her, and the usual rule which shows us the noblest women marrying men manifestly their inferiors is doubtless a wise one.

The next morning we parted with the kind old man, as his onward route lay in another direction, but I could not help following him in thought, and picturing the joyous meeting between himself and his early friend, Arthur Sinclair.

In Sinclair's interests, if not in my own, I resolved to be as true to our host as our positions demanded, yet, at the same time, to save Gilbertine as much as possible from premature, if not final suspicion. I therefore replied: "That is a question I can answer as well as Sinclair."

"Yes," he replied, "my father looked after everything else while he could." "Oh, you'll soon get the business straightened out and running smoothly again," Sinclair declared confidently. "Well, I'm glad I started on the job to-day, rather than next Monday, as I planned to do last night." He stepped to the window and looked out.

"Not till we know just how we stand," Sinclair answered insolently. He continued to speak, but McCloud turned to the men. "Boys, go back to your work. Your boss and I can settle our own differences. I'll see that you lose nothing by working hard." "And you'll see we make nothing, won't you?" suggested Karg.

Won't that change Sinclair's mind and make him move on?" "You don't know Sinclair," persisted Arizona. "You don't know him at all, sheriff." "Grab your hosses, boys. I'm following Arizona's lead." Pouring out of the door in silence, the omniscience of Arizona lay heavily upon their minds. Inside, the sheriff lingered with the wise man from the southland.

"Pray tell us how, Captain Sinclair," said Emma; "you don't know how much you have interested me." "And me, too, Captain Sinclair," continued Mary. "I am very happy that I have been able to wear away any portion of your tedious journey, Miss Percival, so I shall proceed with my history.

Captain Sinclair, having reported it to the Commandant and obtained permission, had launched one of the bateaux, manned by the soldiers, and had brought John and the punt on shore, about four miles below the fort, and not until they had arrived in the strong current of the rapids, which in another hour would have, in all probability, proved fatal.

Both he and the maid were after Winslow's invention, one to steal, the other to protect." "You have astonishing theories." Foster leaned back and regarded her in silence, then resumed, "Suppose you give me an exact account of what transpired this morning." He listened with rapt attention to the spinster's graphic description of the finding of Kathleen and Sinclair Spencer in the elevator.

"Yes, Sinclair is the main one," said the sheriff. "He's more'n a hundred Gaspars. Boys, the north trail looks good to me. We can pick up Gaspar later on, as Joe Stockton says. Straight for Colma, that's where we'll strike." "Hold on," cut in Arizona. Patently they regarded him with disfavor. There was something blandly superior in Arizona's demeanor.