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When I left the world," the Bishop smiled at the phrase, "they were talking a good deal about the 'new woman. If you are one of them, I am a convert right now and here." "Flattery! Still is there no escape from it, even in the slums of Chicago?" Felicia laughed again. And the man's heart, heavy though it had grown during several months of vast sin-bearing, rejoiced to hear it! It sounded good.

Erica saw for the first time that no pain she had ever suffered had been a wasted thing, nor had it merely taught her personally some needful lesson; it had been rather her allotted service, her share of pain-bearing, sin-bearing, Christ-following; her opportunity of doing the "Will" not self-chosen, but given to her as one of the best of gifts by the Father Himself.

We should rather take the general idea of making righteous, making, in fact, like Himself. All thoughts of His blessings to the world which omit that are imperfect. II. The preparation for that making of us righteous. The roots of our being made righteous by the righteous Servant are found in His bearing our sins. His sin-bearing work is basis of our righteousness.

Then how the multitude mocked and darkness came over the entire scene then last of all, it would have been stated, He cried, My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me? But the Holy Spirit in this great Prophecy puts the cry of deepest agony first. Why? Because in that hour the great work of atonement, propitiation, sin-bearing, judgment and wrath enduring, was once and for all accomplished.

Jesus' sin-bearing is for us a revelation of the eternal sin-bearing of the God and Father of us all.