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A simple-seeming word of this import is the triumph of the spiritual, and where it passes for coin of value, the society has reached a high refinement: Arcadian by the aesthetic route. Observation of Willoughby was not, as Miss Eleanor Patterne pointed out to Lady Culmer, drawn down to the leg, but directed to estimate him from the leg upward. That, however, is prosaic. Dwell a short space on Mrs.

It seemed to the spectators as if some effervescence took place during the operation; but if so, it instantly subsided. "Drink," said the physician to the sick man "sleep, and awaken free from malady." "And with this simple-seeming draught thou wilt undertake to cure a monarch?" said the Bishop of Tyre. "I have cured a beggar, as you may behold," replied the sage.

To see him putting young cabbage-plants in rows is to realize what a fine thing it is to know the best way of going to work, even at such a simple-seeming task as that; and I would not undertake to count in how many such things he is proficient. One day he was telling me an anecdote of his taking honey from an old-fashioned straw beehive; another day the talk was of pruning fruit-trees.

I've got a lemon cream pie in the oven and I've got to run." She called back over her shoulder. "Mrs. Hoyt." Cora nodded and smiled. "Mine's Atwater." She saw that the woman's simple-seeming black dress was one she had seen in a Michigan Avenue shop, and had coveted. Its price had been beyond her purse. Cora mentioned the meeting to Ray when he came home. "She seems real nice.

From my childhood I have been the victim of my constructive imagination, which has led me into many mistakes and some scrapes; because, instead of contenting myself with plain, obvious evidence, I have allowed myself to frame hypothetical interpretations, which, to acts simple in themselves, and explicable on ordinary motives, render the simple-seeming acts portentous.

"Strange enough and subtle enough, I admit," he answered, "though I believe not with you that his friendliness toward us is but a mask." "Believe it or not, it is so," I said. "That dark, cold, still face is a mask, and that simple-seeming amazement at horses and armor, guns and blue beads, is a mask. It is in my mind that some fair day the mask will be dropped. Here's the village."