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There was a great show of roast, and steak, and fish, and game, and squash and cranberry-pie in the window, and at the door a tack was driven through a mass of bills of fare, two of which Bartley plucked off as they entered, with a knowing air, and then threw on the floor when he found the same thing on the table. The table had a marble top, and a silver-plated castor in the centre.

To provide silver-plated handles of the very best description, ornamented with angels' heads from the most expensive dies. To be perfectly profuse in feathers. In short, sir, to turn out something absolutely gorgeous. 'My friend Mr Jonas is an excellent man, said Mr Pecksniff. 'I have seen a good deal of what is filial in my time, sir, retorted Mould, 'and what is unfilial too. It is our lot.

He stood beside Garnett till a white-favoured carriage, dashing up to the church with a superlative glitter of highly groomed horseflesh and silver-plated harness, deposited the snowy apparition of the bride, supported by her mother; then, as Hermione entered the vestibule, he went forward quietly to meet her.

Braun picked up a waif of the street, an ex-Prussian soldier, who for a pittance and his daily "rum," slaved in the "Pharmacy" like a dog, polishing and cleaning until it was the smartest show place of the neighboring blocks. But the citadel of the real business was the huge marble soda fountain, with its bewildering array of gaudy silver-plated faucets.

Wait! of course you must tell the messenger that I am coming at once have the four new Pannonians harnessed to the silver-plated chariot. I must go to my mother; but there is time enough for that. Desire Sebek to have the guest-chambers prepared for distinguished guests those sick people are out of them, thank God! Take my present room for them too; I will go back to the old one.

Then he got Toombs, the undertaker, to knock together a burial-casket with silver-plated handles, and cushions inside, and he instructed the undertaker to use his best hearse, and to buy sixty pairs of black gloves, to be distributed among the mourners. He had some trouble deciding upon a tombstone.

I have some purchases to make." He bowed, and reached out his hand for the revolver which she had taken from him. She looked at the ornate weapon, its silver-plated metal parts, the graceful ivory handle. "I'm not going to trust you with this to-night," she said with her rare smile. "Good night, François." He took her hand and kissed it. "Good night, Jean," he said in a tremulous voice.

Elsa was immediately interested and Code told her of its unexpected discovery. "And he had it!" she cried, laughing. "Of all things!" "Yes, and he always wanted it. I remember when father first gave it to me and I was working out little problems in astronomy, Nat used to take the thing and handle it and admire it. You see the back and edges are silver-plated and it is really quite valuable.

'tis so growed into her that 'twould kill her to take it out. Ay, she's very queer: you'd be amazed to see what valuable goods we've got stowed away upstairs." Back again came Mrs. Day with a box of bright steel horn-handled knives, silver-plated forks, carver, and all complete.

"Wall," sez I, "what do all these flowers, and empty carriages, and silver-plated nails, and crape, and so forth what does it all amount to?" "Respect and honor to his memory," sez Cephas, proudly. Sez I, "Such a life as Wellington's had them; no body could take 'em away nor deminish 'em. Such a brave, honest life is crowned with honor and respect any way.