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The burglar got into the house without much difficulty; because we must have action and not too much description in a 2,000-word story. In the dining room he opened the slide of his dark lantern. With a brace and centrebit he began to bore into the lock of the silver-closet. Suddenly a click was heard. The room was flooded with electric light.

She may intertain missionaries in the attics and hold meetings of the Dorcas Society in the basement. She may give reformed burglars the run of the silver-closet, and allow curates and chorus-girls to mingle in sweet companionship on the staircase. But she must leave the library alone, and neither she nor her following must overflow through its double doors during what I call business hours.

I've a good notion to tie this table cover over your head and keep on into the silver-closet." "Oh, no, you haven't," said Tommy, wrapping his arms around his knees. "Because if you did no editor would buy the story. You know you've got to preserve the unities." "So've you," said the burglar, rather glumly.

The silver-closet and money-safe sank to a comparatively insignificant position in their eyes, and to get me out of the house, and with my happiness at stake, treat with the honorable man who notwithstanding his non-approval of me as a woman, still regarded me as his lawfully wedded wife, became in their eyes a thing of such wonderful promise they were willing to run any and every risk to test its value.