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These wells furnish water for two mountain districts. The water is of the purest quality, clear as crystal, aye, clear as "Siloa's brook that flow'd Fast by the oracle of God." The road to them is very difficult, over rattling, rumbling stones, and rocks, and precipices, and it is hard work for the poor women who fetch the water, for the wells are distant nearly three miles from our village.

But the poets were her great fountain of refreshment; "Siloa's brook" was her chief resort. Tennyson was her chosen master, and there were few of his lines she did not know by heart. Her feeling for nature was satisfied by the incomparable verses in which he portrays the divine light shining behind the life of natural things. How often have we heard her murmuring to herself,

He was in excellent spirits, full of wit and lively talk. "'Siloa's brook that flowed Fast by the oracle of God, as "'Le ruisseau de Siloa qui coulait rapidement." In talking about natural differences in character and temperament, he said of his own children that he agreed with one of the old English divines who said, "Happy is that household wherein Martha still reproves Mary!"

And yet, with a simple shepherd's sling, and the smooth stones gathered from Siloa's brook, God will give it the victory. "Once more let us look, and we shall find at Rome, still working in its dark, malignant efficiency, the INQUISITION. Men are still made to pass through fires of this Moloch. This is the grand defensive expedient of the Papacy, and is the chief tribunal of the States.