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It is the same crowd in the Raphael Stanze, but rather silenter, for by now we have taught ourselves enough from our Baedekers at least to read them under our breaths, and we talk low before the frescos and the canvases. Some of us are even mute in the presence of the School of Athens, whatever reserves we may utter concerning the Transfiguration.

And I will e'en inform the Prince when we arrive what like are the men whom he sets to escort ladies to his castle." But though they were silenter after this, it was not from any alarm at my words, but simply because they had laughed themselves out of ply.

And the next day I went through the silenter streets of the city, the great crowded dailies where all the world troops through, and then the more quiet weeklies, then the monthlies, more dignified and like private parks; and the quarterlies, too, thoughtful, high-minded, a little absent, now and then a footfall passing through.

They are fewer, moreover, than usual, Much, and silenter far; and so I begin to imagine Something is really afloat. Ere I leave, the Caffè is empty, Empty too the streets, in all its length the Corso Empty, and empty I see to my right and left the Condotti. Twelve o'clock, on the Pincian Hill, with lots of English, Germans, Americans, French, the Frenchmen, too, are protected.

There was no word spoken that might not have been said with a good grace by any old sportsman, who knew the men around him, and who had long preserved foxes for their use; but still it was felt that the Squire was a little loud. Ralph the son, on whose behalf all this triumph was felt, was silenter than usual, and trotted along at the rear of the long line of horsemen.

Feelings polluted the voice of the deities echo no longer, In the dishonored breast now is the oracle dumb. Save in the silenter self, the listening soul cannot find it, There does the mystical word watch o'er the meaning divine; There does the searcher conjure it, descending with bosom unsullied; There does the nature long-lost give him back wisdom again.

Ever notice how the worser a man's lyin' the silenter other men'll get? Why's that, now?" I believe that I made a faint sound to imply that I was following him. "Men don't get took in. But ladies now, they " Here he paused again, and during the next interval of contemplation I sank beyond his reach.

"All right, sir," said the driver intelligently, and he found his why skilfully out of the street among the high banks of the seasonable Christmas-week snow, which the street-cleaners had heaped up there till they could get round to it with their carts. When they were in Broadway again it seemed lonelier and silenter than it was a few minutes before.

His feelings for her were not as yet definite, expressed, or grasped; they were rather the atmosphere in which all things occurred and were felt and judged. From an amusing pastime she had come to be a companion and thought-mate; and now, beyond this, insensibly they were drifting to a silenter, mightier mingling of souls.

The sun itself seemed to shine with a calmer and silenter radiance over the broad, leisurely land. Time enough, bless you! and the Sunday, any way, is so long! This Sunday morning, at ten o'clock, Dorcas has already been up and dressed six hours.