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The esophagus was on the right of the aorta, and the location of the two ends of the stomach was reversed; the sigmoid flexure was on the right side. Davis describes a similar instance in a man. Herrick mentions transposition of viscera in a man of twenty-five. Barbieux cites a case of transposition of viscera in a man who was wounded in a duel.

There are, as everyone knows, three sigmoid or semilunar valves situated at the orifice of the pulmonary artery, which effectually prevent the blood sent into the vessel from returning into the cavity of the heart.

After puncture of the membrane, the discharge came through the natural passage and the child lived; Morgagni mentions a somewhat similar case in a little girl living in Bologna, and other modern instances have been reported. The rectum may terminate in the vagina. Masters has seen a child who lived nine days in whom the sigmoid flexure of the colon terminated in the fundus of the bladder.

The lower half of the ascending frontal convolution, the greater half of the sigmoid gyrus, the posterior third of the lower and middle frontal convolutions, the base and posterior end of the upper convolution, and the base of the corresponding portion of the falciform lobe were involved. The sensory and motor functions of the arm were retained in a relative degree.

Using a cup or two of water to induce a bowel movement may eventually cause dependency, will not strengthen the colon and may after years of this practice, result in distention and enlargement of the rectum or sigmoid colon. However, a completely empty average-sized colon has the capacity of about a gallon of water.

It would therefore appear that the function of the valves in the veins is the same as that of the three sigmoid valves which we find at the commencement of the aorta and pulmonary artery, viz., to prevent all reflux of the blood that is passing over them.

A postmortem examination of Anna Garbero of Racconis, in Piedmont, who died on May 19, 1828, after having endured a supposed fast of two years, eight months, and eleven days, revealed remarkable intestinal changes. The serous membranes were all callous and thickened, and the canal of the sigmoid flexure was totally obliterated.

The cæcum gradually blends into the second division of the large intestine, called the colon. The colon consists of four parts, described as the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, and the sigmoid flexure, or sigmoid colon.

The next morning he had violent pain in the abdomen, and the bottle could be felt through the abdominal wall. It was necessary to perform abdominal section through the linea alba, divide the sigmoid flexure, and thus remove the bottle. The intestine was sutured and the patient recovered. The bottle measured 17 cm. long, five cm. in diameter at its lower end, and three cm. at its upper end.

Chapman mentions a case in which the liver was displaced by dilatation of the sigmoid flexure. Hirsohsprung, Genersich, Faralli, Walker, and Griffiths all record similar instances, and in all these cases the clinical features were obstinate constipation and marked meteorismus. Imperforate Anus. Cases in which the anus is imperforate or the rectum ends in a blind pouch are occasionally seen.