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Answer me have you had to give up anything in this house, which, with any show of reason, you might demand? and have we spared any possible care for your education or your accomplishments?" "No," replied Sara, sighing; "all have been kind, very kind to me."

They were great people for sighing, Mollie thought. It must be rather miserable to be homesick so very, very far away from home! When Prudence and Grizzel, accompanied by the boys, all not a little anxious about Mollie, arrived at home for dinner they found not only the missing Mollie but also Mr. John Smith on the balcony.

For it was he himself who had been shouting. "Oh devil!" whispered Yozhov, and gnashed his teeth. Foma quietly lifted his head from the pillow. Yozhov deeply and noisily sighing, again stretched out his hand toward the bottle. Then Foma said to him softly: "Let's go to some hotel. It isn't late yet." Yozhov looked at him, and, rubbing his head with his hands, began to laugh strangely.

Perhaps we'll have a rest now, and he'll quit sighing after the same. But they look fine and dandy, too." The boys did not wonder so much now at the size of the hooks they had found in Cousin Archie's assortment of war material, each of them fastened on a heavy but pliable brass snell, and with copper wire instead of thread.

The profane history of our own country tells us that a princess, destined to be the greatest queen that ever sat on this throne, envied the milk-maid singing; and a profane poet, whose wisdom was only less than that of the inspired writers, represents the man who, by force and wit, had risen to be a king sighing for the sleep vouchsafed to the meanest of his subjects, all bearing out the words of the son of David, 'The sleep of the labouring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much; but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep.

There was another silence. Then: "Don't I?" Keith asked, indifferently. He reached his hand out and patted hers, even holding it lightly for an instant. "I think I do. You don't think so?" "No." She merely framed the word, sighing. "You're wrong, Jenny." Keith's voice changed. He deliberately looked round the table at the little dishes that still lay there untouched.

To all this Miss Silence answered only by sighing and moaning, For two whole days she had been kept in constant fear and worry, afraid every minute of some tragical message, perplexed by the conflicting advice of all manner of officious friends, sleepless of course through the two nights, and now utterly broken down and collapsed.

A few old warehouses here and there marked the spots where in times gone by fine goods had been stored. As they stood with broken windows and open doors sighing and creaking in the wind, they appeared like living creatures who had fallen from conditions of plenty, and were now, in their hunger, bemoaning the loss of the abundance which once had filled them.

The princess threw herself that night it was St. John's night into the lake; and now every year on St. John's night, between twelve and one o'clock, a bridge of copper rises out of the lake, and the princess appears upon it, sighing for her deliverance.

I have trampled my pride under foot, for your happiness and my reputation were at stake." "Are you talking of the diamonds? Poor boy, he wept; he did not want them; I have them." "Sleep now, my child. We will talk business when we wake for," she added, sighing, "you and I have business now; another person has come between us."