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Pour-batter requires one measure of liquid to one measure of flour. Drop-batter requires one measure of liquid to two measures of flour. To make a batter. Sift flour before measuring. Put flour by spoonfuls into the cup; do not press or shake down. Mix and sift dry ingredients.

"There is no more learned nor devoted body of scribes in the world," said Giustinian, with pride; "they have not a thought beyond their papers, and most wonderfully do they sift and prepare them for the Council, working often far into the night." "It is machinery, not life!" Marcantonio exclaimed, hastening beyond the portal.

"Let's go back to the others, Allen. We've spent too much time already on this foolish notion of mine." "It wasn't foolish at all," protested Drew. "As a matter of fact it may prove to be of the greatest importance. We ought to sift the matter to the bottom. If there's anybody on this island we don't know about, it ought to be our first business to find out.

She has been three weeks here on a visit to the holy shrine of Hathor." "She must have committed some heavy sin," replied the other. "If she were one of us, she would have been set to sift sand in the diggings, or grind colors, and not be living here in a gilt tent. Where is our red-beard?"

Leave them so that the air may have a free passage between them. Sift a quarter of an inch of good fresh mould over the roots of perennial flowers, whose stalks have been cut down, and then rake over the borders. This will give the whole an air of culture and good management, which is always pleasing.

But, by a free hand I meant a free hand as to engaging what I may think a suitable person." "Emphatically no. You are the lower court. Sift sheep from goats. Send sheep here to me. I am the tribunal. I will finally select." The refusal placed a last obstacle in the path of George's scheme, but he did not demur. Primarily he dared not.

Sinking a shaft, he found that the limestone grew so soft and friable that it could be easily dug out with a pick. When he had penetrated the limestone covering he came in contact with a hard layer somewhat of the nature of clay. This he proceeded to break up and sift. During the sifting process he observed many sparkling gems. The problem had been partly solved at least.

Sir Robert Whitecraft was not himself of the party, but scarcely any individual was met by them whom they did not cross-examine. "Hallo, my good fellow," said the leader of the party, "what is that you're singin'?" Reilly stared at him like a man who was sorely puzzled; "Ha neil bearla agum;" that is, "I have no English." "Here, Connor, you can speak Irish; sift this able-bodied tyke."

The juice of currants or raspberries, or any other sort of fruit, being squeezed out, sweetened, and mixed with water, may be prepared for iceing in the same way. ICEING FOR CAKES. Beat and sift half a pound of fine sugar, put it into a mortar with four spoonfuls of rose water, and the whites of two eggs beaten and strained.

When it is boiling rapidly, sift the corn meal slowly through the fingers into it, and at the same time stir it rapidly so as to prevent the formation of lumps. Any mush that contains lumps has not been properly made and should not be served in this condition, as it is unpalatable.