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Then once more she dipped the sieve into the well, and, behold, this time not a drop of water disappeared! 'Here is the sieve, mistress, cried the girl, going to the room where the old woman was sitting. 'You are cleverer than I expected, answered she; 'or else someone helped you who is skilled in magic. But the girl kept silence, and the old woman asked her no more questions.

1 quart of milk 6 eggs 1/4 pound of powdered sugar 1 tablespoonful of powdered gelatin 1/4 pound of macaroons and lady fingers, mixed 1/2 pound of conserved cherries or pineapple 1/2 pound of stale sponge cake Grate the macaroons and lady fingers, and rub them through a coarse sieve. Cut the sponge cake into slices and then into strips.

Guess, however, what was my surprise, when on awaking I found myself lying in my first humble lodging, stripped of my rich vestments, and saw on the ground my former mean attire; namely, an old vest, a pair of tattered drawers, and a ragged turban, as full of holes as a sieve.

When wanted, lay it in a basin, and cover it with warm water for a few minutes before you use it. PARSLEY AND BUTTER. Wash some parsley very clean, and pick it carefully leaf by leaf. Put a tea-spoonful of salt into half a pint of boiling water, boil the parsley in it about ten minutes, drain it on a sieve, mince it quite fine, and then, bruise it to a pulp.

Pile them on the crouton, and have ready a tomato sauce to pour over. Tomato Sauce: Gently stew two pounds of tomatoes and pass them through a sieve, return them to the pan and stir in a mustard-spoonful of mustard, a teaspoonful of vinegar, salt and pepper; heat well; and, if too thin, thicken it with flour to the right consistency.

There is a large number of other islands, but they are as yet unknown, and moreover it is not required to sift al1 this meal so carefully through the sieve. It is sufficient to know that we have in our control immense countries where, in the course of centuries, our compatriots, our language, our morals, and our religion will flourish.

"If it is a secret, darling, don't tell it to me," said Kitty, "for I cannot keep it. I always say so quite frankly. I say to each person who comes to me with a private confidence, 'Confide nothing in Kitty Malone, for Kitty Malone is a sieve." "Oh, but it would never do for you to be that," said Elma, who was somewhat alarmed and secretly greatly disgusted.

Then before serving them, let them lie for a few minutes in milk, and, putting them on a dish, pour over them a good mayonnaise sauce. Wash and scrape a pound of carrots, slice them, treat two medium sized potatoes in the same manner, add a bay leaf, a sprig of thyme and a chopped onion. Cook all with water, add salt, pepper, and cook gently till tender, when pass it through a sieve.

When put into cups, grate on nutmeg. TO PRESERVE PEACHES. Scald peaches in boiling water, but do not let them boil; take them out and put them in cold water, then dry them in a sieve, and put them in long, wide-mouthed bottles. To a half dozen peaches put a quarter of a pound of clarified sugar; pour it over the peaches, fill up the bottles with brandy, and stop them close.

Then take of double refined and finely beaten and searced Sugar a pound to every pint of Pippin Liquor that ran through the sieve, and to every pound of Sugar, and pint of liquor, put ten Ounces of Pippins in quarters or in slices, but cut them not too thin; boil them a little while very fast in the Pippin-liquor, before you put in the Sugar, then strew in the Sugar all over them as it boileth, till it is all in, keeping it still fast boiling, until they look very clear; by that you may know they are enough.