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"Neber yer mind," said Clo, with majesty; "neber yer mind, miss; children don' comprehensianise sich like." "I onderstands Miss Clorinda, and I venerates her sentimens," observed Dolf; "but when a gemman finds hisself in sich siety as dis, de language of compliments flows as naturally ter his lips as as cider from a junk bottle."

But here it is work work work all de time; good pay, but no holiday, no yams, no possum-meat, an' mity mean colored siety!" "But what has all this to do with the name of the little girl next door? Whisper that, and tell me the rest afterward."

Bucket said he could have saved her if the 'Siety would've let him. He'd 'a just swung her up until she got well." "How?" asked Tommy, much interested. "What Society?" asked his father. Johnny answered the last question first. "'Pervention of Cruelty," he said, shortly. "Oh," said Tommy's father. "I know how she broke her leg," said Johnny. "How did she break her leg?" inquired Tommy.

"I'd drive her up if the weather was as cold as Greenland, and milk her, too, so I had her. I used to love to feed her and I didn't mind carryin' milk around; for I used to get money for it for my mother to buy things with; but now, since that boy broke her leg and the 'Siety killed her "

"Don't be afeard, master, I can stay in my own cabin. If I has been well treated, it's no more den I desarves. I'se done nuff for you and yours, in my day; slaved myself for you and your father before you. De Lord above knows I dont want ter stay whar dat ole drunken nigger is, no how. Hand me my cane, dar, Nancy, I ain't gwine to 'trude my 'siety on nobody."

"De siety I'se enjoyin' at dis minit," said deceitful Dolf, "is enough to turn de head of any gemman." "Oh, we know all 'bout dat," said Vic. "In course you does," returned Dolf, forgetting Clorinda, and trying to seize Vic's hand, but so uncertain were his movements that she readily escaped him. Clorinda saw it all; it was fuel to the flame which consumed her.