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For Ebrulfus came of the city or land of Bayeux, and in Chlotocher's day, and long after, the land of Bayeux was still the Otlingua Saxonica, an abiding trace of those harryings and settlements of Sidonius's times, which planted the Saxon on both sides of the Channel. Still, to us Orderic is more than Evroul, even in the form of Eoforwulf.

The shrug of the shoulder, the genial contempt of one conscious of an infinite superiority how clear it is. One is reminded of a verse of Verlaine Je suis l'empire a la fin de la decadence qui regarde passer les grands barbares blancs But Sidonius's good nature was to be rudely shaken.

But they were a small people; to resist successfully they must have help from Rome itself. Lest anyone should suspect me of twisting the story, I give it in the words of Sidonius's editor, writing twenty years ago. Julius Nepos was alive to the danger that Euric might cross the Rhône; but weak as his resources were he could only hope to secure peace by negotiation.

Not good men according to our higher standard far from it; though Sidonius's picture of Theodoric, the East Goth, in his palace of Narbonne, is the picture of an eminently good and wise ruler. But not good, I say, as a rule the Franks, alas! often very bad men: but still better, wiser, abler, than those whom they ruled. So it was in later centuries.