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She paused and glanced somewhat haughtily over her shoulder. "May I speak a word with you?" "My aunt, sir, is within; if you have business, I will inform her of your presence." "My business is with you, Miss Weems," and, dismounting, he passed through the gate and stepped quickly to her side. "Why do you avoid me?"

Use palliatives when you contradict; such as I MAY BE MISTAKEN, I AM NOT SURE, BUT I BELIEVE, I SHOULD RATHER THINK, etc. Finish any argument or dispute with some little good-humored pleasantry, to show that you are neither hurt yourself, nor meant to hurt your antagonist; for an argument, kept up a good while, often occasions a temporary alienation on each side.

She opened the door, and he told her that meanwhile the side door had been locked, and that he knew no other way out from the great rambling house whither he rarely had occasion to come. What was to be done?

This was all that was wanting to complete the maddening confusion of my brain, and the effect was instantaneous; the lights danced before my eyes; the lustres whirled round; and, as the scattered fragments of conversations, on either side met my ear, I was able to form some not very inaccurate conception of what insanity may be.

"Give her time," said he, "and, a month or two hence, if you have the same feeling for her you used to have " "I love her more than ever. I worship her " "Then you will have me on your side, stronger than ever. But you must give her time." And now Coventry had an ally far more powerful than himself an ally at once zealous and judicious. Mr.

He sat down with his hand on his hip, squarely facing the luckless Bott, whose face grew as purple as the illuminated side of it. But he opened not his mouth. Offitt answered the question: "I would state," he said glibly, "the objects we propose to accomplish: the downfall of the money power, the rehabitation of labor, the " "Oh, yes!"

After going perhaps half way around each side, the Emperor and Empress would then change sides.

The hill, more distant than Browne had supposed, was only reached after two hours of agonizing effort, and at the foot Goodman sank speechless and exhausted, his eyes closed, his parted lips white and drawn. Browne looked at him despairingly, and calling the dogs made one crouch at either side close to the heart and lungs of the prostrate body, and then hastened on up the hill muttering,

Nineteen of our naval vessels were stationed at various Chinese ports, and other measures were promptly taken for the adequate protection of American interests. It was further mutually agreed, in the hope of hastening an end to hostilities, that none of the interested powers would approve the making of loans by its nationals to either side.

On the left of the door was a vulgar sign bearing, in colored letters, "Good March beer," and the picture of a foaming pot of the same, with a woman, in a dress excessively low-necked, on one side, and an hussar on the other, both coarsely colored.