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If I don't like my place or he doesn't like my way of filling it" she laughed merrily, mockingly "out I go into the streets after the second Mrs. Siddall. And the general will hire a new " She paused, cast about for a word in vain, appealed to the secretary, "What would you call it, Mr. Harding?" Harding rose, looking at her with a very soothing tranquillity. "If I were you, Mrs.

Materials for a volume accumulated slowly, but all the important portions of the ‘Poems’ published in 1870 had been in existence some years before that date. The prose story of ‘Hand and Soul’ was also written as early as 1848 or 1849. In the spring of 1860 he married Elizabeth Eleanor Siddall, who being very beautiful was constantly painted and drawn by him.

"Calm yourself, my love," said her husband. "I know Bill Siddall thoroughly. I said what would help. I want to get rid of her as much as you do and that's saying a great deal." Mrs. Presbury flamed with the wrath of those who are justly accused. "If Mildred left, I should go, too," cried she. "Go where?" inquired her husband. "To the poorhouse?"

Siddall," said he, "I should get into the auto and go for a long drive out to the Bois out to Versailles a long, long drive. I should be gone four or five hours at least, and I should look at the thing from all sides. Especially, I'd look at it from HIS standpoint."

General Siddall is going to be the best-dressed woman in the world as she is the prettiest. I haven't opened an account for you with Tiffany's or any of those people. I'll look out for that part of the business, myself." "I don't care for jewelry," said Mildred.

She happened to glance toward the station; her gaze became fixed, her body rigid, for, coming leisurely and pompously toward the house, was General Siddall, in the full panoply of his wonderful tailoring and haberdashery. She thought of flight, but instantly knew that flight was useless; the little general was not there by accident.

After a series of disagreeable incidents she committed the indiscretion which caused him to divorce her. He says that these experiences have convinced him that " "The second Mrs. Siddall," interrupted Mildred, "is she still alive?" Harding hesitated. "Yes," he said reluctantly. "Is she poor?" asked Mildred. "I should prefer not to " "Did the general forbid you to tell me?"

Never had there been so new, so carefully pressed, so perfectly fitting evening clothes; never a shirt so expensively got together, or jeweled studs, waistcoat buttons and links so high priced. From every part of the room, from every part of the little man's perfumed and groomed person, every individual article seemed to be shrieking, "The best is not too good for Bill Siddall!"

The little general saw and began to talk more rapidly. "I've given considerable thought to our our misunderstanding. I feel that I gave too much importance to your your I did not take your youth and inexperience of the world and of married life sufficiently into account. Also the first Mrs. Siddall was not a lady nor the second. A lady, a young lady, was a new experience to me.

The result, finally, was a succession of bitter quarrels, and they were about to divorce when she died. He made the second Mrs. Siddall an allowance, a liberal allowance. Her follies compelled him to withdraw it. She resorted to underhanded means to get money from him without his knowing it. He detected the fraud.