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"Well yes I suppose there is; but their morals and religion are shockin'. It made my blood run cold, and my hair stand on eend, to see a company of soldiers marchin' through the streets last Sabba' day, to the tune of 'Hail Columby; and then to think of balls and theatres on the Lord's day night, really it's terrible. I wouldn't live in sich a place for all the world!"

I could hardly believe my own eyes when I seed sich a gatherin', an' I thort I hed got aboard o' Noah's Ark. Thur wur listen, strengers fust my ole mar an' meself, an' I wished both o' us anywhur else, I reckin then thur wur the painter, yur old acquaintance then thur wur four deer, a buck an' three does. Then kim a catamount; an' arter him a black bar, a'most as big as a buffalo.

"Connor," said his mother, "your father's now asleep, an' won't miss you; lose no time, thin, in goin' to see her; and may God strinthen you both for sich a meetin'!" They accordingly went.

I I sure ain't a-foolin' myself none, not ary bit, a-thinkin' you-all could ever git ter likin' sich as me; but, I can't help sort of dreamin' 'bout hit an' a-pretendin', an' an' all the while I'm a-knowin', inside er me like, that there ain't nobody, not Auntie Sue, nor this here Betty Jo, nor that there other woman, nor anybody, what kin care for you like I'm a-carin', they just naturally couldn't care like me; 'cause 'cause, you see, sir, I ain't got nobody else, ain't no man but you ever even been decent ter me.

"What's plasterin'?" "I dono. Hit's what he calls it. 'Ole Mam Higgins, she tole me. She say she wasn't gwyne to hang out in no sich a dern hole like a hog. Says it's mud, or some sich kind o' nastiness that sticks on n' covers up everything. Plarsterin', Si calls it." This marvel was discussed at considerable length; and almost with animation.

"Now, I never should ha' thought of that, because, somehow, it seems cruel and unnat'ral like to burn sich a beauty of a craft as that there brig; but it's the proper plan, Hal there's no doubt of that.

I'll not be so indelicate as to ax yer name. Fwhat they call ye will be enough." The other laughed. "My name is Joe Brannin. They call me Texas Joe Tex, for short." "Good bhoy, Tex! Ye look the divil av a lot like a red herrin', but that's not sich a bad fish, an' ye have the right flavor. How could ye help ut? Brannin an' Texas is handles to pull a man through hell wid.

"It's good of ye, and I shan't soon " "There, keep that fer some other time, Tom Dunker," the captain interrupted. "I can't be bothered with sich nonsense now. Where's my oil-skins, Betsey?" and he turned to his wife. "Better let Rod have that old suit of mine; he might need it before we git back." Rod was delighted with the idea of a run on the river on such a night.

I remimber, Vara, saying to you that day I don't know whether you remimber it or not but I remimber sayin' to you, that if I lived a thousand years, I could never feel sich happiness as I did when I first pressed you to my heart as my own wife." "Well, but we want to hear what happened, Dominick, achora." "Do you remimber the words, Vara?" "Och! I do, avourneen.

"Be quiet, Biddy, and we will pray for you," answered Rose, who fancied by her breathing that her aunt was about to forget her sufferings for a brief space, in broken slumbers. "Is it for you I'll do that and sure will I, Miss Rose. Niver would I have quitted Ireland, could I have thought there was sich a spot on this earth as a place where no wather was to be had."