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"I have, sir; and it is that we make the island of Nantucket our summer resort for this year, dividing the time, if you like, between Nantucket Town and the quaint little fishing village Siasconset, or 'Sconset, as they call it for short. There is an odd little box of a cottage there belonging to a friend of mine, a Captain Coffin, which I have partially engaged until the first of September.

He was adored by the ladies, lionized by everybody, and liked it. But when the summer was over and September came, he went to Siasconset and reverted to the type of his ancestors. He hobnobbed with the men and women who had been the friends and neighbors of his forbears. He doffed his sophistication as he doffed his formal clothes.

"I shall sleep well to-night because of to-morrow." But when to-morrow came there was a telephone message for Becky that Major Prime and his wife were in town. They had messages for her from Huntersfield, and from King's Crest. "And so our day is spoiled," said Archibald. "We can come again," said the Admiral, "but we must be getting back to Siasconset to-morrow. I wrote to Tristram.

And, anyhow, if he is asleep, we will wake him up. I am going to tell him that George is at Siasconset." "But, my dear, what good will it do?" "He's got to save Becky. I know Dalton's tricks and his manners. He can cast a glamour over anything. And Randy's the man for her. Oh, Mark, just think of her money and his genius " "What have money and genius to do with it?"

And, anyhow, if he is asleep, we will wake him up. I am going to tell him that George is at Siasconset." "But, my dear, what good will it do?" "He's got to save Becky. I know Dalton's tricks and his manners. He can cast a glamour over anything. And Randy's the man for her. Oh, Mark, just think of her money and his genius " "What have money and genius to do with it?"

It was in the evening he left them, for he was to drive over to Nantucket Town and pass the night there in order to take the early boat leaving for the mainland the next morning. Mr. Dinsmore went with him, intending to go to Boston for a few days, perhaps on to New York also, then return to Siasconset. Harold, Herbert, Bob, and Max set out that same evening for their camping ground; so that Mr.

He was adored by the ladies, lionized by everybody, and liked it. But when the summer was over and September came, he went to Siasconset and reverted to the type of his ancestors. He hobnobbed with the men and women who had been the friends and neighbors of his forbears. He doffed his sophistication as he doffed his formal clothes.

"No, no," she answered, softly, "I will walk the long path with you!" " The old gentleman who sits opposite met us walking arm in arm about the middle of the long path, and said, very charmingly, "Good-morning, my dears!"" The reading stopped at luncheon time, and it was still raining. On the table were letters for Becky forwarded from Siasconset.

Frederick William was curious to know what had given Newport its great popularity as a summer resort, and asked me to compare the famous cottages of the Vanderbilts, the Belmonts, the Astors, along the cliffs, with well-known country houses in England. He knew that Siasconset on Nantucket Island was pronounced "Sconset," and he had read reports on marine biology from Woods Hole.

The 'Nantucket Inquirer' came out for awhile, but at length it had nothing to tell and nothing to inquire about, and so kept its peace. "After about a week a vessel was seen off Siasconset, and boarded by a pilot. Her captain said he would go anywhere and take anybody, as all he wanted was a harbor.